quantum_interference_in_time 2021-12-19 16:52:13 -1000

> Feed: QuantumWeekly
> Title: Quantum interference in time
> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:06:46 -1000
> Link: https://quantumweekly.com/post/637630264419467264
Quantum interference in time:
The two researchers from ULB and the University of Cambridge
have demonstrated that the impossibility to differentiate
the photons emitted by an optical amplifier
produces an effect that may be even more surprising. Fundamentally, 
the interference that occurs on a semi-transparent mirror
stems from the fact that
if we imagine switching the two photons on either sides of the mirror,
the resulting configuration is exactly identical.
With an optical amplifier, on the other hand,
the effect identified by Cerf and Jabbour must be understood
by looking at photon exchanges	not through space,
				but through time.