humanity_blamed_as_wildlife_populations_plummet_by_68_since_1970 2021-12-19 16:52:08 -1000

> Feed: Vegan News, Plant Based Living, Food, Health & more
> Title: Humanity Blamed As Wildlife Populations Plummet By 68% Since 1970
> Author: Liam Gilliver
> Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:16:50 -1000
'The way we produce and consume food and energy, and the blatant disregard for 
the environment... has pushed the natural world to its limits'
[image 1]There's still time to 'heal our relationship with nature' (Photo: 
Adobe. Do not use without permission)
Wildlife[2] population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles 
have dropped by an 'alarming' 68 percent between 1970 and 2016, according to a 
new report published by WWF. 
The Living Planet Report 2020 also documents a 94 percent decline in wildlife 
population in the tropical subregions of the Americas - which has been described
as 'the largest fall observed in any part of the world'.
It blames 'humanity' for the declining population, stating that the world has 
been 'transformed by an explosion in global trade, consumption, human population
growth, and urbanization' in the last 50 years. 
The report does not include the near-three billion animals that were either 
killed or displaced during Australia's 'catastrophic' fires[3] in the past year.
'Catastrophic impacts'
"The Living Planet Report 2020 clearly outlines how humanity's increasing 
destruction of nature is having catastrophic impacts not only on wildlife 
populations but also on human health and all aspects of our lives," said 
Director General of WWF International Marco Lambertini.
"The way we produce and consume food and energy, and the blatant disregard for 
the environment entrenched in our current economic model, has pushed the natural
world to its limits."
Lambertini added that there is still an opportunity to 'heal our relationship 
with nature' and to 'mitigate risks of future p[l]andemics'. 
You can read the full report here[4]

...but why bother, when they're
supporting the scamdemic, and
failing to reference the impact of
radio-frequency electromagnetics?
[1]: (image)
[2]: (link)
[3]: (link)
[4]: (link)