five_critical_human_weaknesses 2021-12-19 16:52:07 -1000

> Feed:	Transcending the Matrix Control System
>       Alien Agenda - Metaphysics - Gnosis - Science - audio - about
> Title:	Five Critical Human Weaknesses
> By:	montalk	Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:18:10 -1000
Why does history keep repeating itself? Why can't mankind get its act together 
and put an end to physical, financial, and spiritual slavery? Maybe its because 
every attempted solution has failed to address some very fundamental human 
weaknesses. Until these critical flaws are overcome, change will remain 
superficial as the old problems keep resurfacing. 
The first weakness is that our perception is limited to only the five physical 
senses. In being unable to see anything beyond the material universe, we are 
lured into emulating its ways, into acting like animals or machines even though 
at the core we are spirit. 
It also blinds us from seeing our occult enemies and the nonphysical control 
structures and energies that they employ. Like an iceberg, most of the Matrix 
Control System is hidden from view. For that reason, humans are like puppets 
being pulled by invisible strings. 
Sooner or later, mankind must develop clairvoyant powers. Through proper 
esoteric training, it will become possible to perform miraculous healing, remote
viewing, psychic self-defense, perception and removal of etheric parasites, 
precognition, telekinesis, probability influencing, telepathy, and quick 
detection of agent saboteurs. Imagine how significantly this would level the 
playing field. If we could see beyond the flesh, it would be game over for those
psychopaths driven by alien and demonic forces. 
But for now, mainstream institutions dont even believe in
ExtraSensory Perception, let alone try to develop it.
You never hear it mentioned by social or political movements either,
which goes to show just how deeply our society has been had by the Control System.
Our second weakness stems from "science" staying firmly in the realm of
physical matter, physical energy, 3D space, and linear time. This holds back the 
necessary revolutions in technology that would overcome scarcity and 
environmental destruction. Our primitive technology also makes Earth physically 
defenseless against alien forces, giving them the strategic upper hand. 
Therefore we must move toward a higher type of science that makes use of 
energies and principles still unexplored by the orthodox. Examples include
scalar physics and demiurgic technology, which employ zero point energy, 
longitudinal electromagnetic waves, force-free gauge potentials, and etheric 
energy to accomplish the seemingly impossible. They would allow for free energy,
antigravity, invisibility, and time travel. Without such technology, the human 
race will continue being preoccupied with physical survival, competition over 
dwindling resources, and dependence on the few who control these resources. 
Our third weakness is ego, the mental parasite that keeps us emotionally 
invested in the Matrix. It is a foreign installation, grafted upon the soul 
through genetic imprinting and social conditioning. Ego functions as a mortal 
personality worn by spirit in order to operate smoothly within the Matrix, 
though at the risk of getting lost within it. When Spirit, the core of our 
being, over-identifies with Ego, it takes on its weaknesses and forgets its own 
purpose. The rider then becomes the horse and can be easily lead by the reigns. 
So long as the Ego rules our choices, we will always be acting in ways that 
reinforce the Matrix.
We must overcome the tyranny of the Ego and establish a personal connection with
Spirit, with the higher Self. This can be done by recognizing what stems from 
the Ego, what stems from the higher Self, and through discipline and 
introspection always following the higher. Through consistent identification 
with the higher, it grows in influence over the lower. It becomes more firmly 
anchored within us until igniting like a star into full manifestation. We can 
augment that process through a cultivation of intuition, meaningful dreams, 
synchronicity, and deep contemplation. We can increase the clarity of the 
connection by nurturing noble feelings such as compassion, beauty, 
understanding, love and empathy. Without a connection to Spirit, we remain 
wanderers without compasses and lamps without fire, lost in the darkness as so 
many currently are.
The fourth weakness is ignorance, stupidity, and naivete',
which keep us from making informed decisions. Deception succeeds
only when invited in by lack of awareness. Mankinds problem is
not so much the forces who seek to control it, but the scourge of
public ignorance that sustains and regenerates these forces. 
Therefore we must increase awareness through a combination of study, 
observation, experience, contemplation, and most of all revelation. This 
requires a deep love for truth and learning. We must train our intellects 
without compromise and become very familiar with logical fallacies and the 
spiritual warfare strategies used against us. The intellect is not something to 
throw away in favor of the heart, rather both should be developed in parallel 
and brought to perfection. The more informed we are, the smarter our decisions. 
And the smarter our decisions, the better our future. 
And the fifth weakness is humanity's unquestioned faith in
consensus reality. Consensus reality is the way mainstream society perceives
the world, the way it works, what every individual must do to survive in it,
what is permissible and what is impossible. It is the map drawn by
the Matrix to chart our course through life. We are taught to assume that
the rules and limitations of the many apply to us without exception. 
We must disentangle ourselves from consensus reality. This will only happen when
we begin living by the principles of a secret divine reality that exists around 
and within us. Which jurisdiction you enter depends on where you are positioned 
on the sliding scale between Ego and the Higher divine Self. It depends on where
you place your root assumptions, your emotional center point, or your mental 
dwelling point. By entering the jurisdiction of the higher, we overcome the 
authority of the lower. What the mainstream deems foolish, risky, or impossible 
then becomes the norm. Anomalies and miracles become the new reality. The only 
way to beat a rigged game is to play by a different set of rules. 
These unquestioned vulnerabilities all stem from the same fundamental problem, 
that of spirit being overcome by the darkness of the material universe. The 
transcendence we seek is not about escape and avoidance, it is about the mastery
of the higher over the lower. The real solutions are rooted in the "above" 
whereas the weaknesses arise from "below". We cannot defeat the "below" using 
only the tools and methods of the "below". Attempting to do so merely replaces 
one Control System with another. And that is why all human revolutions, social 
experiments, and utopian attempts have failed, for they have ignored the 
fundamental problems I have outlined.
These weaknesses reinforce each other. Where three are overcome, the other two 
eventually produce defeat. All must be overcome together if mankind is to 
permanently secure its freedom. If the human race as a whole cannot do it, maybe
the rest of us can. We shall accomplish it through the mastery of spirit over 
the mind, and mind over matter.