decree_over_mandate.2 2021-12-19 16:52:06 -1000

		Second Decree Over Mandate
	Published on Thirtieth Day of March of 2020
Pope Francis				Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II 		
c/o Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano		Buckingham Palace
Citta del Vaticano 00120		London SW1A 1AA
RE 162 264 985 US			RE 162 264 994 US

President Donald Trump			Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General
c/o Chief of Protocol			405 East 42 [nd] Street
The White House				New York, New York 10017
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW		via: RE 162 265 014 US
Washington, DC 20500
via: RE 162 265 005 US

Michael Pompeo, US Secretary of State	Dr. Mark T. Esper, Secretary of Defense
2201 C Street NW			1400 Defense
Washington, DC 20520			Pentagon
via: RE 162 265 028 US			Washington, DC 20301 -1000
					via: RE 162 265 031 US

Charles Rettig, Commissioner		International Criminal Court	
IRS/Internal Revenue Service		Office of the Prosecutor
1111 Constitution Avenue NW		Communications
Washington, DC 20224-0002		Post Office Box 19519
via: RE 162 265 045 US			2500 CM The Hague
					The Netherlands 
					via: RE 162 265 059 US

International Court of Justice		H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti
Carnegieplein 2				Tribunal Suprema de la Signatura Apostolica
2517 KJ The Hague			Citta del Vaticano 00120
The Netherlands				via: RE 162 265 076 US
via: RE 162 265 062 US

Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary		Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Department of the Treasury		20 [th] Street and Constitution Avenue NW, Stop K-300
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW		Washington, DC 20551
Washington, DC 20220			via: RE 162 265 093 US
via: RE 162 265 080 US
DTCC Board of Directors
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
via: RE 162 265 102 US

To All Principals, Agents, and Parties:

Since our First Decree Over Mandate we have continued the assembling of our States of the Union and have completed the necessary process to secure properly constituted Assemblies in all fifty (50) States of the Union. We are continuing the re-population of all our States necessitated by the mis-representations and False Registration processes engaged in by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors operating the British Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government.

We are attaching copies of Public Notices which have been published and issued this week. These Notices provide specific information for the Public and for the individuals and organizations so-addressed, and for the purposes at hand, are fully incorporated into this Second Decree Over Mandate providing similar information and instruction to the appropriate Principals and Parties for their prompt attention and implementation in response.

For convenience and better understanding, we shall separate our directions into sections and may address specific concerns to specific individuals and organizations within the context of this Second Decree Over Mandate.

Mis-characterization and False Registration of American Babies

We have discovered and fully researched and documented a loathsome process of False Registration of American babies taking place on our shores and at the hands of our British Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors.

This practice appears to have its first modern appearance and description in The Bounty Book published by King James 1 as part of a Anti-Reformation scheme by the Roman Catholic Church.

It has since been defined as a Capital Crime by both the Hague and Geneva Conventions and condemned generally by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is also specifically prohibited by Article IV of all three (3) Federal Constitutions.

The only quasi- Public Notice provided was addressed to inhabitants of the Municipal United States by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his First Inaugural Address as President of the United States -- by which we all understand, President of the Municipal Corporation providing governmental services to us under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States.

In his address, Roosevelt made veiled statements about an undisclosed "holy cause" and also made equally cryptic statements about "clearinghouse certificates". These obscure references made in his corporate capacity can in no way be considered any proper description of the scheme he was in fact implementing -- neither to the Municipal inhabitants and employees he had power to directly affect, and certainly not to the General Public, either.

His scheme was in fact so criminal, so radical, so outrageously in opposition to any common sense of decency, banking, or modern political practice in this country that nobody could be expected to understand the meaning of his remarks and so they remained part of the record but not in any sense "fully disclosed" for the purposes of establishing a material contract of any kind with either the Public or the Municipal citizenry.

Nonetheless, Roosevelt and his criminal co-conspirators in the Municipal Congress carried through with their repugnant practices and claims against the Municipal citizenry as evidenced by the piecemeal passage of the content of the original Maternity Act via the Sheppard-Towner Act and later, by the passage of the openly repugnant Buck Act, in which the Municipal Congress claimed literal ownership of individuals, as in enslavement and non-consensual indentured servitude being imposed on federal citizens, presumably meaning all federal citizens of both classes -- both British Territorial United States (U.S.) Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States.

By the time the Buck Act was first published in 1940, the Territorial and Municipal Governments were operating in full collusion under the terms of The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States. An original copy of this Declaration has since come into our hands and it was clearly never disclosed to the Public.

We note here that the British Territorial (Commonwealth) Government has always been a political moiety of the Roman Catholic Church overseen by the British Monarch since the establishment of the concord between King John known as "Lackland" and Pope Innocent III.

As a result, both the Municipal United States Government (directly) and the Territorial Commonwealth Government (indirectly) both of which are Subcontractors with respect to our American Government, are owned and operated by the Pope, and any pretension of "war" or even serious contention between these two entities would be ridiculous -- even without The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

Both of these incorporated "governmental services corporations" operating on our shores have played a part in the identity theft and credit fraud scheme against Americans.

The Territorial Government has illegally and immorally conscripted and licensed civilian physicians to work as "Uniformed Officers" which they have termed "Medical Doctors" and then, under pain of loss of their license to practice medicine (which they were never required to have anyway) has coerced them to take part in the False Registration of American babies as "presumed to be" U.S. Citizens, also presumed to be abandoned wards of the State of State. The Municipal Government has then also enrolled these purported U.S. Citizens as citizens of the United States, classified them as Paupers and created infant decedent ESTATES in their Given Names.

This results in two fraudulent conveyances, first from the land jurisdiction of this country, and second, from the jurisdiction of the sea into commercial jurisdiction. It is a two-step fraud process designed to steal the identity of the victims, gain access to their assets, and then use those assets as collateral backing the debts of the Perpetrators.

The British Territorial United States Government dba "the" United States of America retained the equitable title to the victim's ESTATE, while the Municipal United States Government retained the legal title -- all without the knowledge or consent of the victim of this literally unconscionable contracting process applied to American babies in their cradles.

The use of DOG LATIN, euphemistically referred to as "American Sign Language" by the Perpetrators of these frauds, further amounts to fictitious conveyance of language and impersonation of the victims who are then dragged into commercial courts and corporate administrative tribunals under these false conveyances and false legal presumptions.

The American People subjected to this fraud have had no way of knowing or reacting to these attacks by their erstwhile employees, nor have they had any sensible public disclosure of the circumstance.

Overall, this circumstance results in Americans who have never left the shores of their country, who have never accepted any office of personhood, who have never been Wards of any Territorial franchise or incorporated State of State, who have never volunteered to accept any federal Municipal citizenship obligation at all, being deliberately mis-characterized as a Dual Citizen of both these foreign Subcontractors.

Millions of Americans have been fraudulently conveyed on paper to foreign jurisdictions just as surely as if they had been shanghaied and conscripted into the French Foreign Legion.

Americans born on our soil are not subject to the British Territorial Government, nor are they subject to the Municipal United States Government, yet millions of Americans have been subjected to this heinous and criminal collusion to deny and obscure their nationality and political status for profit. This has been done by corporations chartered in the United Kingdom and by the Pope's Municipal Government, in violation of our Treaties and Constitutions and the Commercial Service Contracts that both these Service Providers are obligated to honor.

Obviously, there must be an immediate correction of all claims and processes related to these False Registrations of American babies, the creation of intestate infant decedent estates in their names, the improper inclusion of these estates in any bankruptcy proceedings, and a return of all purloined patents, titles, copyrights, trademarks, DNA, and other property owed to the victims of this profoundly criminal and repugnant scheme.

The Presumed Donors of these fraudulently constructed infant decedent estates actually stand under the protection of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, and we hereby repudiate, rescind, and renounce all undisclosed and unconscionable contracts, covenants, and agreements concocted "for" us by our employees, regardless of any signatures obtained, baptisms accepted, applications, enrollments, pledges, or other seeming obligations imposed under the color of these afore-described practices and presumptions.

We rebuke and cancel all Powers of Attorney resulting from these False Registrations and False Legal Presumptions, and require the Trustees to perform upon our actual Trust Indentures and to obey the Law of the Land established by our Forefathers without exception.

False Claims of Abeyance

It is well-known and well-documented that our Government is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people established upon the language and premises of the Geneva Bible.

It is also well-known that our Union of States was first formed by unanimous Declaration published 4 July 1776, that our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America was formed in September of 1776, and the Confederation of American States of States was formed five years later in 1781.

The so-called American Civil War was fought by business organizations known as "states of states", such as The State of New York, and can only be deemed a commercial mercenary conflict lacking the standing and character of any lawful war. Our States of the Union did not participate in this deplorable action at all, and this is fully borne out by the historical record.

We are at a loss to explain why the disappearance of the Confederation of these States of States after the end of the physical hostilities, was ever misunderstood by anyone as a cessation or abeyance of our government? Are we rendered bankrupt because our employees go bankrupt? Do we cease to exist when private businesses in our employment dissolve?

As anyone can observe, our Federation of States pre-dates the existence of any Confederation organization at all, and all duties and powers of the Confederation were re-statements of duties exercised first and foremost by the Federation of States. Does hiring someone to mow our lawn mean that we are not allowed to mow it ourselves? Are we under some divine prescription to reconstruct business entities that failed? Hardly.

We see that our British Subcontractors secretively launched their own "state of state" business organizations and substituted them for the American States of States without disclosure to us or explanation to the General Populace of this country -- like cuckoo birds occupying our nest in Bad Faith and in violation of our Treaties, their Constitution, their commercial service agreements, and our clearly stated intent.

They usurped and presumed upon us and carried this fraud forward for five generations prior to being caught, red-handed, in possession of their Employer's property, making false claims against their Employer's assets and Good Name, and also claiming that our Government has been in "abeyance".

A government of, for, and by the people of a country is never in abeyance. It never ceases to function by definition. As long as a single American lives, America has a government. And so long as one American lives, and performs in the proper capacity, the Last Man Standing is owed performance and right of disposition.

Even if there is no longer a Holy See, even if the British Monarchy should fail, our right of disposition as the Last Man Standing to our venerable Constitutions remains.

Our government, for the information of those being addressed, is alive and well -- and is not vested in Washington, DC. Our government is not now and has never been in abeyance. It is present in the form of fifty (50) populated States and their respective State Assemblies and our unincorporated Federation, The United States of America, is still here conducting our business in international and global jurisdictions.

Our States are physical and actual, foreign and non-domestic with respect to all State of State organizations, including the Territorial State of State and Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations. Our States enjoy sovereign immunity and are tax exempt. The only law that pertains between ourselves and our foreign Federal Subcontractors is clearly stipulated and embodied by their Constitutional contracts, so there should be no confusion whatsoever about our standing and our identity as the lawful government of these United States.

General Notice of Non-Duplicity

The usurpations and liberties taken by our foreign Federal Subcontractors and their practice of using semantic deceits, especially similar names deceits, substituting one entity for another and making nonsense of verbal exchanges, and on some occasions allowing outright fraudulent misrepresentation of us and our interests, must be taken into account with respect to each and every action purportedly taken by us or for us.

It is, for example, to tell the difference between "The State of Georgia" and "the" State of Georgia and THE STATE OF GEORGIA in a purely verbal context.

In the same way, uneducated people may readily mistake a Scottish Commercial Corporation infringing upon our Good Name and Trademarks and doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for us, and think that they have contracts and obligations and property interests related to our government, when in fact, they do not.

In a few instances thus far, we have found interlopers using the actual name and style of our American Government, The United States of America, and signing us up to participate in endeavors and conventions that we have never even considered.

The rule that must be observed is to first consider whether or not the subject matter and issue is addressed by the respective Constitutions and whether or not any foreign Federal Subcontractor would have any reasonable claim to delegated authority. If not, any obligation and the underlying authority expressed may both be dismissed as null and void.

Between the interlopers substituting themselves for us, and unauthorized parties purportedly exercising delegated powers "for" us, we find it necessary to declare that none of this proliferation of duplicity has been authorized by us and that we are not accountable for it.

We have no contracts with any Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, UNITED STATES, INC., or USA, Inc. -- all our contracts are directly with the Holy See, the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor, and other actual sovereign governments and Persons.

Likewise, we have no contracts with Federal Agencies. These agencies are all subcontractors of our Subcontractors, which they have parlayed into an unaccountable and unelected quasi-governmental substructure for their own convenience, and which must logically be supported using their own resources, not ours.

We strenuously object to all Subcontractor practices and processes seeking to shuffle off responsibilities that have been contractually vouchsafed to them, and do not recognize any authority granted to federal agencies by our Subcontractors as anything pertaining to us or our delegation of Powers.

We protest the failure of our foreign Federal Subcontractors to assist and fully inform us regarding the status of the Reconstruction. We were given the impression that the Reconstruction was completed when in fact it was left unattended to, apparently to further facilitate fraud and privateering and usurpation against the States and People of this country.

We note that a great deal of abuse has centered around one small item: the Interstate Commerce Clause found in all three renditions of the Federal Constitutions. We note that as our States are all Nations the words "interstate" and "international" are interchangeable within the context of this clause, and word "commerce" applies only to business conducted between two incorporated business entities. It does not in any way apply to trade, domestic or international.

Internal Revenue Service/IRS Fraud and Abuse

The identity theft fraud scheme practiced against American babies serving to impersonate them as commercial franchises of the United States also served to bring their business interactions and transactions under the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Clause -- a result of the two-step constructive fraud described previously. All such legal presumptions predicated on identity theft and impersonation are null and void.

The rank and file Americans thus deprived and dis-served by their mis-directed Employees were never voluntarily, knowingly, or willingly operating as franchises of the Municipal United States, were not any species of federal employee, and their earnings should have never been classed as corporate "income". The one fraud led to the next fraud, and with it the false claims and presumptions of both the Territorial Internal Revenue Service and the Municipal IRS, which has led to widespread racketeering and crime, as millions of Americans have been harassed, railroaded through private, self-interested corporate tribunals disguised as "courts", and deprived of their earnings and private property.

These are criminal activities which have been perpetuated on our shores by those owing us good faith service, without explanation or excuse, all predicated on False Legal Presumptions based on False Registrations of American babies.

Regulatory Powers Over Substances

Another long-standing misunderstanding revolves around the granting of regulatory powers over the interstate manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
These three classes of federally regulated items were set aside and placed under federal supervision to help ensure public safety and to generate revenue to support the Federal Government. These provisions apply only to actual interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of these items and
(1) do not apply to in-state activities and
(2) do not extend to other classes of goods.
We have had to repeatedly rebuff Federal Agencies that think they magically have regulatory powers over drugs and vitamins, crops, water and other commodities that are not under Federal Regulation.

We have also uncovered a totally falsified data base maintained by the IRS which maintains bogus biographies in Masterfiles kept under the names of Americans, seeking to further mischaracterize them as Federal Citizens engaged in occupations subject to Federal Regulation of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. This is yet another added identity theft and coercive racketeering scheme being practiced against Americans, seeking to create a basis for prosecution of Americans based on nothing but outright lies about them and their activities.

We have reason to believe that these vile practices have been used to convict literally millions of Americans of "evading" taxes that in fact they never owed, and have been used to justify murder of innocent people in Waco, Texas, the murder of American rancher, LaVoy Finicum, and the reckless endangerment of his family members. Just about any time and anywhere the BATF enforcement powers have been employed, they have been employed improperly and used to deprive Americans of their lives and property in coercive acts of terror. The FBI and CIA and other federal agency subcontractors have also been misdirected, misinformed, and misapplied.

The Holy See and the British Monarch and Lord Mayor, who are the Principals ultimately responsible for the activities of all these corporations on our shores, have turned a blind eye and so have the members of the Territorial and Municipal Congresses. We have ample proof of profiteering by these Principals and Agents connected to these criminal activities.

Securitization of Living Flesh - Enslavement and Peonage

Yet another result of the identity theft and political status mischaracterization scheme of our foreign Federal Subcontractors has led to the de facto enslavement and involuntary peonage of millions of Americans and the securitization of living flesh which is both illegal and unlawful, yet has been practiced by the Federal Reserve and the Depository Trust Company Corporation and its shareholder organizations, EMCC, MBSCC and GSCC, all of which have been restructured and re-identified and yet continue to reap the benefits of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's deceits.

In Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address to the Municipal citizenry as President of the United States, he spoke of a "holy cause" because the Municipal United States is a theocracy and is operated by the Roman Catholic Church. He also spoke of "consecration" of the Municipal United States -- another word having religious connotations. And finally, he spoke of "clearinghouse certificates". What he was talking about was handing over the Municipal "citizens of the United States" -- mostly African Americans -- as chattel properties backing the debts of the Municipal Government.

The DTCC is the Clearinghouse for this disgusting trade of certification, securitization and bonding of living people, and its in-house Holding Company, Cede and Company, which is owned and operated by the Holy See, is the depository Holding Company housing the falsified Certificates of Live Birth which mischaracterize Americans as British Territorial United States Citizens. Acting on this known False Registration, the deplorables have authorized the creation of Municipal Corporation franchises and the issuance of Municipal bonds in our names.

Bonds as in bondage.

And we are, in fact, their Employers.

The absurdity and criminality of these practices does not need to be explained by any rational being, and the evils of enslavement and involuntary peonage do not need to be explained, either. Both enslavement and involuntary peonage have been condemned and outlawed worldwide since 1926, but here is the Roman Catholic Church, finagling behind the scenes to benefit itself and its partners in crime to promote both in the modern era.

That the Roman Catholic Church and its leaders have stooped so low as to engage in these practices is a staggering revelation when first confronted, but in fact, people mischaracterized as corporate TAXPAYERS in this country have been purposefully domiciled offshore in Puerto Rico, where the Commonwealth Government still allows the Spanish Law of the Inquisition to operate.

Millions of Americans of all walks of life and religious conviction have been prosecuted by the Inquisition masquerading as the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service, for the benefit of the Municipal Government and Territorial Governments, respectively -- and ultimately, for the benefit of the Holy See and its cronies, including the British Monarch operating the Commonwealth Racket for the Pope.

The corrupt Church has collected these "income taxes" as "gift and estate taxes" and pretended that these assets were "voluntary donations" while using the Inquisition as an iron boot on the throats of the victims, and armed private security agents and colluding private "courts" to accomplish its objects.

We have the bank records and trails of evidence to prove that the Church benefited directly from this trade in human flesh and labor (enslavement) and that it exercised a complex kickback system of "revenue sharing" that involved major banks including the Bank of Canada, the Bank of New York Mellon and, of course, the Vatican Bank.

They have been hiding their activities behind the store front of the Church for over 800 years and now, they propose to move their operations and use the United Nations Organization as their new store front to hide their greed, cruelty, and corruption behind a façade of social caring and compassionate stewardship and cooperation.

This is practice of redefining people as corporate franchises and mischaracterizing their earnings as taxable corporate income is just one more variation of the identity theft scheme.

We estimate that of the 12 to 15% of our population that could by some stretch of the imagination be considered "citizens of the United States", none of them are aware of having been "pledged" as human chattel by FDR, and none were given any full disclosure at the time or at any time since.

The rest of our population was never subject to any of these claims or suppositions of contract at all -- and yet these violent criminals have attacked Americans and mischaracterized them as Municipal "TAXPAYERS", and subjected them to false commercial liens and levies, false wage and bank account garnishments, punitive "late fees", property seizures, and jail time.

It is clear that the Roman Catholic Church has functioned as a crime syndicate, at the same time it has functioned as a religious institution. It has enriched itself and its partners in crime via the loathsome practice of securitizing and bonding living people -- and they have done so under color of law.

They have done this egregious harm to millions of Americans and American businesses, even though they are perfectly well-aware of the Public Law and the requirements of their contracts with us, which clearly limit their sphere of authority to the one mile square within the capitol boundary stones of Washington, DC.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, the DTCC, the US Department of Commerce, its State of State franchise affiliates, the US Department of Transportation, the Government of Canada, and the afore-mentioned banks, have all been complicit in the scheme, and the share-holders and Successors of the share-holders -- EMCC, MBSCC, GSCC, and both the Federal Reserve and the IMF have benefited from collateralizing and securitizing the labor of American workers. They have all indulged in secretive enslavement activities and profited from them and must be liquidated and placed under new management, however, the idea of placing them under the management of the "US Treasury Department" -- whatever that means anymore -- must be met with an extremely jaundice eye.

The US Treasury Department has been one of the principal beneficiaries of the criminal racketeering and enslavement scheme just described and is uniquely responsible for using this mechanism to justify the issuance of "government" [service corporation] guaranteed "Treasury Bonds" which are then purchased as investments by the so-called Federal Reserve, which is yet another beneficiary of the take from this bizarre form of modern day feudalism. The IRS Agencies have been directly housed in the United States Treasury since the 1920's and functioned as a Bureau of this organization. Indeed, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has been recognized as an Officer of the Territorial Government and given abundant resources to enforce this crime spree against Americans by the US Department of Justice.

Most recently, President Donald J. Trump operating in his capacity as President of "the" United States of America has moved to take control of the SEC and redefine the relationship with the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, even this measure falls far short of solving the actual problem.

Their proposed solution to the dilemma is to issue new "Special Purpose Vehicles" (SPVs) which is simply re-naming and re-defining incorporated entities named after each one of us. For example, SPV's named in the form JOHN MICHAEL DOE were understood to be Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts; other named in the form JOHN M DOE were deemed to be Public Transmitting Utilities. And all of these "derivatives" have been attached to living people and living people have then been taxed and harassed and demeaned for the debts of these THINGS.

Slavery and involuntary peonage are still what they have always been no matter what you call it -- unlawful, immoral, and illegal. Calling a crime by a new name does not change the crime. Renaming a poppet used in an impersonation scheme an "SPV" and turning our courts into forums for barratry under color of law can never be excused.

The Stafford Act, War Powers and Civil Rights

Some people are under the impression that the Municipal or Territorial Congresses were imbued with the power to "suspend" the Constitutions via Presidential decree; this is a ridiculous presumption prohibited by the documents themselves, which clearly state that any other thing, such as legislation, seeming to change or abrogate the Constitution in question, is null and void with respect to us.

So what is this "Stafford Act" nonsense really about? The President of a corporation can order his employees to do what he pleases, and as the U.S. Citizens were never parties to the Constitutions and never in receipt of its guarantees, President Trump is free to suspend any "like" guarantees extended to U.S. Citizens via legislation, for example, the Civil Rights Act by which the Municipal Congress extended "Civil Rights" equal to the Natural and Unalienable Rights of Americans to Federal Citizens, howbeit, as privileges conferred by Congress and subject to be recalled by Congress or "suspended" by the President.

So any power invoked under the Stafford Act is precisely this kind of in-house, private, corporate business and actually has no effect on the Constitutions and guarantees that we, the American States and People are owed. Our run amok employees are just playing a shell game and attempting to usurp power over their employers by confusing us with their own ranks and attempting to enforce their legislative rules on people who are in no way obligated to obey.

This constructive fraud and deceit has similarly been used to assume that Americans are at war and subject to "War Powers" claimed by our Public Employees, who are clearly acting out of school and without our grant of delegated power to involve or presume upon us, harm us, conscript us, or claim any such power related to us whatsoever. It's our Congress, not theirs, that has War Powers.

All and any mercenary conflicts engaged in as separate actions by our foreign Federal Subcontractors and the governmental services corporations which have been acting "in our names" and abusing our delegated powers must be viewed for exactly what they are, and the cost of any such adventurist schemes going forward and any remaining "war debts" accumulated by this fraudulent conveyance of language and false claim of empowerment needs to be charged back to the Pope and the Queen who are jointly responsible for the deplorable performance of the corporations they have chartered and unleashed on our shores.

Resolutions and Remedies

The False Registration of American babies must immediately and forever cease; any records kept of people being born in this country are to be simple records that admit their actual nationality and birthright political status and cannot be used to create false claims of foreign citizenship obligations or corporate or religious ownership interests;

Any records, i.e., Birth Certificates of any kind or source, Municipal or Territorial, must be lawfully converted to serve as records of people being born in this country without any other implication or obligation of citizenship or bonded servitude;

All Treasury Bonds issued under this system of de facto enslavement and peonage must be covered by the Pope and the Queen using their own resources and cannot be shifted to other assets, such as purloined American gold and silver, that are also owed to the victims of this abuse;

The Territorial Government must voluntarily resume its actual duties and drop the pretense of perpetual and still ongoing "National Emergency". The United States of America is here and operating and is competent to direct all functions that would have otherwise been conducted by the States of America Confederation. We are also competent to direct the operations of the Territorial and Municipal Governments on our shores -- a small part of such competence is being demonstrated right now;

The policies embraced by the foreign Federal Subcontractors, such as the principle of perpetual war, including the current preposterous "war" against strains of the Common Cold Virus, cannot be pursued on our shores. We consider that all costs involved including the $6.2 Trillion appropriated by the Territorial Congress to fight this "war" must be assessed against the Pope and the Queen who have chartered these corporations, and that all such appropriations of our credit for purposes unstipulated by the actual Constitutions must be assessed against these Principals, and not used to indebt or entrap or further misrepresent the victims whose credit is being abused;

We have back-charged the entire amount of this "war" appropriation to the Queen and the Pope and attached a copy of the appropriate international lien. We have accepted this appropriation and all individual checks issued under it as gifts, not benefits, and certainly not any individual settlement of claims against the UNITED STATES, INC. and its bankruptcy. This surreptitious "offer" of $300 billion to settle the debts owed to the American States and People is hereby firmly rebutted along with any such future attempts to establish any tacit or unilateral settlement of the Municipal bankruptcy via similar schemes of entrapment and misrepresentation, or any attempt to execute such a settlement via misappropriation of the victim's own credit as payment;

We require the removal of all records dependent upon the initial False Registration and Impersonation scam, including but not limited to the fictional IRS Masterfiles which have been created for the sole purpose of providing a fictional dossier on each American and used to falsely connect them to some activity involving federally regulated substances;

We similarly require the release and surrender of all registrations pretending to license lawful activities of common right in this country, including the practice of law, medicine, marriage, travel, and conduct of business by Americans;

We prohibit the use of any National Sales Tax and deny any pretended right to regulate or tax our private business transactions as a means to support any level of the government; the right to conduct business and trade is a Common Right of all people everywhere at all times, and any attempt to abridge this right is an obstruction to trade and an already well-recognized crime. We shall not entertain any proposals to enact a "national" sales or consumption tax on our shores and will not allow any purchase tracking system, public or private, to interfere with trade or privacy;

We note that while our government provides for religious freedom for all people, religion cannot be used as a storefront for promotion of violence and crime on our shores. Anyone caught promoting violence in the name of their religion is to be arrested for insurrection and deported to a country espousing their chosen theocracy. Anyone caught causing actual harm to our people or our property in the name of their religion is to be prosecuted to the full extent permitted under the Public Law for their specific offenses;

Beginning immediately, all former Municipal COURTS including UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS are lawfully converted back to functioning as part of the American Court System, with local COUNTY and STATE COURTS returning to practice of American Common Law, and UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS functioning as Postal District Courts;

All judges and attorneys operating these courts are prohibited from maintaining any membership in or allegiance to the Bar Associations, and must tear up their Bar Cards and renounce their association with these organizations in order to be retained. All court employees including Clerks must be re-trained to operate in the realm of non-statutory law;

These lawfully converted state and county courts are to return to administration under the Public Law of The Ten Commandments, with the Geneva Bible accepted as the basis for all soil and land jurisdiction Public Law in this country;

All case law decided under process of American Common Law, including but not limited to the Jerome Daley Credit River Decision, are re-instated;

All Social Security applications related to Americans which were obtained under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, and coercion and the veiled Powers of Attorney included in the SS-5 Form are cancelled for fraud, except in the case of actual Federal Employees who must now be given full disclosure regarding the terms of their employment; all pension and service guarantees owed to Americans must and will be honored in all cases;

We note that there is no possible need for any form of private taxation of individual earnings or activities that could be required to support the functions of any level of government; the result of decades of illegal graft and corruption has been the establishment of vast slush funds that self-generate immense amounts of dividends and earnings. When properly administered, these former slush funds more than provide for the support of all necessary government functions without recourse to taxation of any kind, and release us from the expense of maintaining any system of taxation in this country at all;

We require the return and control of all assets owed to the American States and People, including our land and soil assets free and clear of all mortgages, foreign titles, debts and encumbrances; our gold and silver and other precious metals and other material assets housed both on and offshore; our natural resources, our DNA records, our Good Names, our patents, copyrights, trademarks, stocks, bonds, and all other intellectual property assets naturally belonging to us, all insurances and Life Force Value Annuities based upon our resources, all that is ours by Nature and by Right;

The only debts engendered by our foreign Service Providers which we accept are those clearly stipulated by and performed under the Constitutional Agreements; all other expenses and appropriations are assumed to be the responsibility of the Pope or the Queen or the Lord Mayor, respectively. We have never offered to pay for mercenary wars for profit nor any other adventurist enterprise and we are not responsible for numerous other appropriations that have been made in our names, and predicated upon our assets, but without any valid supporting authority;

We have served Public Notice internationally for a period of years providing all interested Principals and Parties with an opportunity to contest our findings, correct their operations and assumptions, and take heed of their contractual obligations; we have exhausted all administrative remedies and published a more or less complete, though simplified, history of the crimes perpetuated upon us and we have provided the World Court with wet-ink copies of our included formal Affidavit of Probable Cause via the publication of "You Know Something is Wrong American Affidavit of Probable Cause" issued in 2015;

The referenced Affidavit appears as the "J'Accuse" section of, "You Know Something is Wrong American Affidavit of Probable Cause", which has been published and distributed on a worldwide basis and which gives additional detailed information, and which is hereby incorporated and included as part of this Second Decree Over Mandate;

A copy of the Public and Commercial Lien published as page 169 of this book is also provided as part of this Second Decree Over Mandate; we have literally provided full Public and Commercial Notice for almost five (5) years, supported by Uniform Commercial Code Liens and Non-Uniform Commercial Code Liens that have been established against the parent corporations and which appear upon the records of UCC District 500, Anchorage, Alaska;

We request and require Mr. Trump and his Administration to recoup these liens in our favor and to return the receipts to our collection depository, the mercantile account for The United States of America 1776 which we have asked Mr. Mnuchin to establish;

The immediate and permanent correction of the IRS and Internal Revenue Service operations on our shores and the establishment of clear prohibitions against them addressing Americans is required. The scrubbing of all "Federal Liens and Garnishments" improperly established by the IRS and Internal Revenue Service pertaining in any way to American people and property assets is required;

We have also published Due Notice and established international and commercial liens to secure the property and interests of the American States and People, including liens against all Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations, all Territorial State of State organizations, all Federal State Trusts, and all serving to return the associated purloined property assets to the States and People they belong to;

The nature of these international and commercial liens run a gamut from simple non-UCC liens to agricultural liens to fixture liens on our signatures appearing on all and any substrate, including electronic mediums;

In the course of our researches we have located the missing USB Receipt Book from 1860 onward; we found it buried and chopped up in the Bank of England. Lack of this "missing" record was the basis of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement signed by President John F. Kennedy. All false claims of debt and all plans to employ the Belgian Asset Transfer System, nicknamed the B.E.A.S.T., like all plans to use RFID chips and Bar Codes to further institutionalize human slavery, are hereby prohibited as crime and the fruits of criminal incorporated syndicates which are also under demand to be liquidated;

The "New World Order" which is simply Corporate Feudalism and a perverted form of the "Old World Order" complete with Colonialism resuscitated and religious Inquisitions straight out of the Middle Ages, has already been outlawed through several centuries of progress. The adoption of such means as euphemistical "Special Purpose Vehicles" to promote such a scheme and the acceptance of the attendant reasoning supporting such schemes, would cancel out all the progress that has been made; continued corporate lawlessness would be rewarded and all attempts to restore actual order and good government would be thwarted by organizations enjoying bankruptcy protection on the public dole and having no lawful reason to exist apart from the Public Good;

The continuation of such practices in the modern age is an affront to all actual Law and Order, and also an affront to Nature and Nature's God. We do not propose to slide backward and by ignorance or sloth or failure to oppose contribute to evils that are already known and universally outlawed: press-ganging, unlawful conversion, kidnapping, slavery, involuntary peonage, genocide, theft, and fraud. We request and require our Federal Subcontractors to deliver good faith and service to the American States and People and to cease and desist all such criminal enterprises and repugnant legal presumptions on our shores;

Whereupon we exercise our ownership interest to transfer all Municipal and Territorial Corporations and patents, stocks, bonds, and other certificates and receipts held under our auspices or created via the exercise of our delegated authorities back to our direct control, and have authorized Mr. Mnuchin to collect and rollover all such assets and deposits, first to the United States of America 1789 Account, and then to establish a new mercantile bank account in the name of The United States of America 1776 to act as the Depository Account for all reclaimed and recouped assets;

We have also instructed Mr. Mnuchin to establish fifty subaccounts, one each for each actual State of the Union, and further instruct him to make these asset accounts directly accessible to our review and responsible administration without delay;

Banking functions for The United States of America, apart from Audits, are under the authority of John Franklin Hein III and his Working Group. Mr. Mnuchin is instructed to employ the United States Treasury functions in support of the transition and to work with Mr. Hein to further establish the mercantile banking system and its deployment;

All Americans who have been unjustly and inappropriately addressed by foreign private courts and corporate administrative tribunals, and who have been subjected to foreign forms of law based upon the False Registration Scam and related false records such as the IRS Masterfiles, and who are not violent criminals accused of actual and factual harm to others, or guilty of gross harm to the property of others, must be set free. Our actual Law does not allow for thought crimes or restrictions on the use of marijuana, for example. All offenses must be actual and factual torts suffered by actual people and/or their property assets. Except for cases of murder or permanent physical or mental disability, all Injured Parties must directly represent themselves in our courts;

All Federal Employees must be properly instructed not to trespass upon our private property nor to address Americans under presumption of any Federal citizenship obligation. They must understand that they are not allowed to trespass on the land and soil of this country, nor allowed to importune the people to obey federal regulations concerning matters that pertain only to federal citizens under color of law. For example, they may not solicit participation in Social Security until and unless people knowingly and willingly and under conditions of full disclosure, accept Federal Employment contracts;

Upon the end of all Federal Employment contracts, in addition to retirement and completion of Tours of Duty in the military, the Foreign Subcontractors and their Officers are to assume that Americans have departed back to their home States and their birthright political status;

The Lord Mayor of the Inner City, London, is aware of his obligations under the 1814 Treaty of Ghent and numerous Treaties of Westminster held with us and is requested and required to clean up his own mess with respect to the mismanagement and misdirection of Bar Attorneys on our shores. He has cause to know that Bar Members are prohibited from holding any public office in any level of our government and have been so prohibited since 1819. They are subject to the loss of their citizenship and immediate deportation and confiscation of their assets otherwise. All Bar Attorneys are called upon to either: (1) vacate all pretended public offices voluntarily, or (2) be subject to permanent disbarment and recoupment of their insurance bonds and any public pensions, deportation, confiscation, and loss of citizenship protections;

We are foreclosing upon the charters of the commercial banks and stock brokerages which have sought to profit themselves from the enslavement of living people and theft of American assets that do not belong to them and we are invoking all the Treaties and Contracts which we hold with the Principals allowing this action for Cause;

We are establishing mercantile banks and directly issuing State Assembly Credit Union charters to replace the commercial banking institutions caught participating in the described crimes against humanity;

We are resuming a normal course of business and carriage accounting standards; the dishonest "Double Accrual Accounting System" adopted for the use of the Government Accounting Office (GAO) is to be discontinued; the hidden non-budgeted income streams and their administration by private corporations as "external investments" are to be fully exposed to public review, along with forensic audits of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and subsidiary Annual Financial Reports to provide full disclosure to the American States and People;

The first Executive Order issued by Abraham Lincoln in March of 1863 known as General Order 100 and resulting in the adoption of the Lieber Code has been over-ridden and removed and Public Notice of this action by our lawful Government has been issued; the U.S. Territorial Government and the U.S. Military are subject to our civilian control.

The military bankers responsible for these deplorable acts and conditions have been sacked for Cause and shall never be eligible for rehire; they are barred from any further operations on our shores or pretensions of operating in our names or representing us in any matter whatsoever. The Federal Reserve is disbanded and foreclosed upon as a crime syndicate engaged in enslavement and peonage schemes, along with the DTCC acting as the clearinghouse for these offenses. Both are denied any function related to our government or representation of our people and must disgorge all assets purloined from Americans including all improperly constructed and construed labor contracts issued under the Miller Act, all confiscations enforced under the Buck Act, all Cestui Que Vie Estates. All American assets are to be conveyed back to Mr. Mnuchin, and thence to be conveyed back to the actual Holders in Due Course without further delay or obfuscation;

President Donald Trump acting in the Office of Commander-in-Chief is called upon to take all necessary action and expend all necessary force to identify, locate, and remove all criminal elements within the Municipal and Territorial Governments, within the corporate business community, and within our borders;

President Trump is further empowered to locate and secure all American assets of all kinds wherever they may be located, including paper and Special Depository Accounts and so-called Legacy Trusts, pursuant to their return to the lawful owners; within reason and upon his own personal responsibility, he is authorized to access our assets and credit to accomplish this mandated activity and to support the logistics and cost of this transition back to a normal course of business;

As the Principal and Priority Creditors of the Municipal Corporations, including all commercial banks, we are declaring a permanent Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium affecting all mortgages which have been misapplied to all public and private American holdings located anywhere within our States;

We are likewise seizing all foreign land titles and trust accounts owed to Americans as Public Trusts, including but not limited to all copyrighted and otherwise protected land descriptions, street designations, and all allocation and tax identification system designations that have been improperly imposed under color of law;

We are requesting and requiring that Mr. Trump and his Administration fully inform the United States Trustees;

We are issuing proper private Identifications, Travel Cards, Private Auto Plates, and Passports for our American State Nationals and American State Citizens under our own sovereign authority. These documents carry the open seal of The United States of America, not the closed seal of "the" United States of America.

We are using unique Independent Living Being codes that are recorded by private internal State Assembly blockchain; we request and require that all Public Employees at all levels of government immediately stand down and recognize the separate and valid and paramount political status of these Americans whose identity and standing has been verified by the State Assemblies;

We have, as of May 22, 2015, re-commissioned the Federal Marshals, and have re-named their service as The Continental Marshals Service. These are Peacekeeping Officers of The United States of America, occupying the international land jurisdiction and providing enforcement of international law, including the protection of our Post Offices and Post Roads, prevention of international trespass, human trafficking, drug trafficking, smuggling, counterfeiting, interstate bank fraud, infringement of private copyrights, unlawful conversion, unlawful conscription and confiscation, kidnapping, illegal manufacture, sale, or transport of federally controlled substances, racketeering, extortion, and similar crimes occurring within our land jurisdiction. As peacekeeping officers they outrank all private security forces and LEOs operating within their established Postal District Areas. They are being issued Public Commissions directly under the authority of The United States of America and all Federal Officers and Agents are required and requested to assist them when and if they require assistance;

The assembly of the States of the Union also results in the self-evident population of our Counties and the occupation of the actual County Offices, including the Office of the County Sheriff, who is the highest elected peacekeeping official in this country; it is to be understood that within the physical boundaries of each county, the County Sheriff elected by the American State Nationals living within that county outranks all Law Enforcement Officers, all Federal Agents, and all Private Security Officers;

All other "National Elections" occurring within our borders are suspended for four years effective immediately, to allow for the identification and education of all Americans and for the orderly recording of their chosen political status preparatory to the resumption of normal Public Elections in this country -- which have not occurred since 1860;

All current Officers of the Territorial Government who are not members of the Bar Association may continue to serve during this time period, including President Trump. We do not feel that it is appropriate for foreign political lobbies or Scottish commercial corporations which are infringing on our Good Name and Trademarks, to pretend to be our government, and we are accordingly suspending political party activities. There will not be a resumption of these activities until they are openly recognized for what they are -- private corporate shareholder elections -- and people are fully informed about the consequences of enfranchisement as voters;

The Municipal United States Government, together with its franchises, violated the limits of its charter established via The Constitution of the United States, which has led to its liquidation. There should be no confusion or panic related to this. All corporations are obligated to obey their charters. In view of the horrible abuse that the Municipal Congress has inflicted upon those they were elected to serve in Good Faith, we have requested an entirely new administration of the Municipal Government by members of our Congress, in accordance with the actual limitations of the Municipal Government, and/or the voluntary surrender of the vacated Capitol to The United States under the administration of The United States of America;

The Territorial United States Government, together with its franchises, has operated as a self-proclaimed democracy, but has never yet had sufficient participation of eligible voters to establish an actual majority mandate validating its actions;

We are therefore present as the only lawful civilian government of, for, and by the people of this country, the original and only actual government empowered to act for this country and to properly direct the activities of our Public Employees and Federal Subcontractors in the accomplishment and administration of their duties;

There is no other proven, knowledgeable, encamped, and demonstrable civilian government authority in evidence, much less is there any other properly defined and declared and constituted civilian population in evidence. The United States of America holds precedent and prior claim and we note that all international affairs conducted have been conducted under our seals and auspices for over two hundred years, so our appearance and our ability to assemble our States of the Union is not a matter subject to remark or suspicion by our Employees;

We call upon the Trump Administration and all military officers to support the actual civilian government and to help bring an end to the criminality and corruption that has infested our country for six generations, and most particularly, an end to the Kingdom of Lies that has been operating as if it were our government. As can readily be observed the entire power structure concocted in collusion by these foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" was funded and enforced on the basis of False Registration of American babies and other outright lies;

We are now presented with the Territorial Government's declaration of a "National Emergency" in response to the Common Cold. Our government has not declared any such emergency and we do not expect to have our trade obstructed and our commercial interests in all Municipal Corporations gainsaid;

We have called upon the Trump Administration and all other Principals and Parties to bring their War Against the Common Cold to a conclusion. The diversion has self-evidently failed and the continuing false claims of the Scottish Interloper infringing on our Good Name and Trademarks and operating "as" THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have been rebutted;

We have notified the independent Government of the Philippines of our ownership of their land jurisdiction assets and the American gold and other precious metals left in their care by the first iteration of the Scottish Interlopers fraudulently doing business "in our name".

We are amenable to returning the land of the Philippine Islands to the Filipino People upon the release and return of our gold and other precious metals stored there and also kept under their custodianship agreements in Indonesia and elsewhere. We note that no member of the Territorial or Municipal United States Governments has the standing to release our land claims against the Philippines nor to accept the return of our gold and other precious metals assets nor to settle our claims against the bankrupt Municipal Corporations "for" us.

We note that the incorporated perpetrators of these many crimes against us have, again, mischaracterized our Special Deposits as abandoned property and also have pretended an interest in what they call our "Legacy Trusts". Nothing could be further from the truth. These incorporated entities are not our Trustees and we have not abandoned our assets to their custodial care.

Mr. Trump is instructed, requested, and required as the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces to protect our persons and secure our assets for us and Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Pompeo are similarly instructed as Interpol Officers to do the same as part of their global commitment to Law and Order;

The military and central bankers have attempted to bail themselves in via fraudulent claims against our private and public assets, including our interest in the Municipal franchises established in our unique names as Cestui Que Vie Trusts, our ownership position with respect to the bankrupt Municipal Commercial Corporations, and our Special Deposits in banks around the world; we have seldom seen a more epic example of Breach of Trust;

If left unopposed this situation would have left the Territorial Government buying out our interests in Municipal Corporations we already own using our own credit to do so. This "offer" is comparable to having a thief rob one pocket, and then use the largesse gained by the theft to finance the theft of your other assets. This is why the military bankers have been sacked and why the Central Bank purchases by the Federal Reserve are under forced commitment and also under our direct orders to Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Trump. We do not intend to be further abused by either Federal Subcontractor.

We trust that the content of this Second Decree Over Mandate is thoroughly intelligible to everyone reading it and that the content of the attached Public Notices is also well-within the comprehension of all those being addressed. Any questions or rebuttals may be addressed to us directly in writing in care of: Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, 99652 and such explicit written rebuttal shall be the only means of remonstrance to any of these remedies. So said, so signed, so sealed this 29 [th] day of March in the year of 2020:

				By: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

				By: Anna Von Reitz, Fiduciary

The remainder of this page and the backs of all pages of this document have been left blank for the convenience of those issuing this Second Decree Over Mandate. The only allowable mark for recording or certification of content purposes is to appear on the bottom left of this face of this page only.