Schedule and Adjourn to 04/05/2020
- How to Build an Assembly from the Ground
- Setting Up a Conference Call
- Reconstruction: Personally and as a Group
- Vetting Potential New Members
- Identifying Agent Provocateurs
- Infiltration (Wanting to be part of your meetings without due diligence)
1775. Guilt by Association
- Qualifications and Electing Officers
- Washington Outreach Presentation
- Ralph on Florida Assembly Outreach Presentation Draft - Feedback Please!
Dealing with the Courts - Lew Roane, Washington
UCC - A Primer - Keith Goulet, Washington
Conditional Acceptance - Candi Lee Liles, Montana Coordinator
Strategies Against Foreclosure - Candi Lee Liles, Montana Coordinator
The Current Mortgage Process - Teri Sahm
Land Copyright - Annie on Delaware
Getting a Higher Perspective - Teri Sahm
- Enforcement: Guest Speaker Deloy from the Western Continental Marshals
-Stopping Foreclosure through Appeals Court - Carla on Massachusetts
-UCC Agricultural Lien Example on IRS Agent - Robert on Nevada
-UCC Fixture Lien - Carla on Massachusetts
-Sending Registered Mail Tax Percue or Prepaid - Carla on Massachusetts
-A list of where most states can find their Voter Registration Cancellation Form
-Here is a nice packet of articles regarding the Dead Baby Scam:
-Utilizing your channels and paperwork - Victor, New Mexico Coordinator
-A list of where most states can find their Voter Registration Cancellation Form
See information on Postal Service and Universal Postal Union and United States Postal Service
From Carla on Massachusetts
It really bothers me
that people can't obtain the RE mail lables. I mean were paying for them
see the problem is RE is in the private and these clerks aren't trained
on RE mail because technically they are
out of the jurisdiction. I think if they try this link take the
name of the clerk that denies the request and report them.
- Credit Collection Letter to the CORPORATION BANK/MORTGAGE COMPANY and the Vicar General. To find your Vicar General, go to your browser search and type Vicar General and
the name of the largest city next to where you live.
-Example of a letter to the Vicar General regarding property tax from Mike on Wisconsin!AlkIwquAy4EZnVCPERju_soepGS1?e=K3CHpj
-Discussion on State Assembly vs Jural Assembly. Here is Anna's response:
has been a generalized misunderstanding about a fundamental fact that I
need to get out to a lot of people --- because we started with a major
about Jural Assemblies, people got the idea that the Jural Assembly was
the important part and in a way, it is in terms of enforcement--- but a
Jural Assembly is only a PART of a State Assembly.
is certainly no harm in having a seal for your Jural Assembly, which
you can then later use as the basis for your court seals. But, the
first seal
you need is a seal for the State Assembly itself -- the larger
organization that the Jural Assembly is part of.
my first recommendation is that you make this a seal for the State
Assembly, not the Jural Assembly. The seal should have the word
The in it, i.e., The
California Assembly or The Idaho Assembly
second observation is that we never, ever give up our water rights just
because SOME powers related to water were delegated. Our ground
water is part
of our land rights, and so is all "non-navigable" surface water. So the
idea that we would not lay claim to rivers and streams in general is
off-base. Even the Queen's ability to interfere on the "High Seas
and Navigable Inland Waterways" is strictly limited.
- American State National Plates for Automobile and Motorcycle - Please note: $30 includes the donation!!
$30 each - includes postage and a minimum $5 donation to Anna
You can send a check or money order to:
Keep and maintain your CORPORATE PLATES in the back window or on the front of the car. We are doing a 1 -year training
program throughout America for Sheriff's and LEO's.
Here is Anna’s advice about maintaining both plates:
People CAN move back and forth from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and some have no choice, even
when driving their private cars.
Example: An American State National who works for the State of Oklahoma as a policeman.
he is on the job or "on call" he has to act as a Territorial Police
Officer and have a Driver
License. When he is off duty, he is under no such obligation and
is traveling as a private person. So, for him, it makes
sense to have both kinds of plates, and to use them according to the
capacity in which he is acting at any given time.
That or something similar is the only case where anyone might want to have both sets of plates
in evidence, and it would only apply to State Nationals, not State Citizens.
Important Articles from Anna this week: