We live in interesting times. i still am guided by my spirit/soul on a road less travelled, to a path less worn, to make my own way where none have gone before :-)
Whoever won the election for POTUS, their position lasted for only 2 days before the organization completed bankruptcy and ceased to exist. (skipping all those details you can find on paul stramer's blog http://paulstramer.net/ ) which caries all the postings from http://AnnaVonReitz.com/ and is linked-to from her website), i was moved to pull out pen and palapa and envelope and stamp.
2020-09-23, two months and a week ago was when i lost temporary shelter and 90W power and wifi necessary for my laptop, thus being crippled to my stupid tracfone w/ limited service plan, useful only for phone and txt and e-mail and a daily visit to Anna's blog, unable to update my own.
Anna Maria Riezinger holds the position of "Fiduciary of The United States Of America" and holds "the national credit" vs tRump holding the "national debt".
2020-11-05 the bankruptcy accounting should have completed.
so i wrote to her after the next new-moon, identifying my "self"*, my "standing"*, and my claim for the contents of the accounts of my social insecurity, my birth estate trust, and anything owed me for my military service.
this is not the normal process for the average PERSON now, who would follow the instructions on her website to correct their STATUS and STANDING, or as sumarized starting at
to become/return-to status as one of "we the {P,p}eople", i.e. a "state national".
instead, i claimed to be the local ambassador of the nation/race of crystalfaeries, spread across 3 planets of 2 starsystems, (including 2 other soulfamily souls on this planet).
since "no woman can serve 2 masters", i cannot make allegiance to either california, from which my body derives sovereignty by birth as a california state national and to which spirit says i shall not return, nor to hawai'i, nor to kaua'i, which spirit says i shall not leave except by [a]scension; as a war between australia or jerusalem, (homes of the other 2 of us ishnaan crystalfaeries), and the united states, would have me fighting my own soul family.
therefor i am not claiming to operate in land law, but air jurisdiction (divine/spiritual) which is global+.
i had already done in 2000 the reclaiming my names process, (UCC-1 secured party creditor), which is no longer available, (no more Accepted For Value), now available as part of the state national process.
anyhow, this makes me "stateless" on earth and leaves me without protection, as an ambassador for we crystalfaeries, therefor i offered "a treaty of unconditional peace" to the un-in-corpse-orated TUSoA and to THE COUNTY OF KAUAI INCorpseorated, (as i will to the UNincorpseorated Kaua'i County once formed and replacing INC version).
as of 11/17 all county legal claims against this sovereign expired or were dismissed w/ prejudice, leaving me with a clean "criminal record", other than "traffic" and "vehicle registration" issues from more than a decade ago, where i began my confrontations vs the corrupt corpseorate mindcontrollers, and why i've been bicycling for the recent decade.
now on the record of the county: my status as sovereign answering to a "higher" jurisdiction than theirs, (unlimited liability).
unlike everyone (but a few) around me, all operating in limited liability in commerce, sovereigns and state nationals operate in UNlimited liability.
because i have never found any incarnate human qualified to judge me or make sane laws, i did not end my (private testimony in the form of an) affidavit of truth: "under penalty of perjury under the laws of (some version of) the USA", but instead, "to the best of my knowledge and ability under karma".
the next step in reality shift is retiring THE "FEDeral" RESERVE criminal cabal and its' fiat currency. the UNinc TUSoA deals in lawful money via the American States And Nation Trade Bank which is booting-up, so i requested the "money" owed me be agregated into a private account there, denominated in lawful money of TUSoA (backed by/held as Ag or Au), and made available via a debit card usable in any ATM without a thumbprint. dunno what the exchange ratio will be for FRNs at ATMs until the new currency arrives and replaces FRNs.
so, long story short, i'm still living in the park, houseless and broke, awaiting my new debit card to access the millions of lawful US$ owed me, and very frustrated to be offline while the COVert-19 fraud and its' ultra-virez lockdown are submitted-to by the sheeple.
aloha and blessings for your thriving -- Kahealani
Affidavit of Truth to Fiduciary of The United States of America UN-in-corpse-orated.
-- (808)346-4850 celeste:crystalfaery embodied as Angela Kahealani c/o General Post Office Keneke Street - 1 Kilauea, Kaua'i [UM 96754-9998]