# http://crystalfaeries.net/posix/bin/rsnapped	invoked by    /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot
# celeste:crystalfaery 2013-04-10 16:45:19+00:00
 target="kahealani"			# who is the lucky user who gets to read our reports?
mkdir -p /home/$target/documents/txt	||	exit 255	# and where do we stuff them?

# Compute Disk Usage of RSnapshots
/usr/local/bin/durs	>	/home/$target/documents/txt/durs.`hostname`.txt
chown $target:$target		/home/$target/documents/txt/durs.`hostname`.txt

# Compute Backups - What IS or NOT actually backed-up by rsnapshot and dar
/usr/local/bin/backups	> 	/home/$target/documents/txt/backups.`hostname`.txt 
chown $target:$target		/home/$target/documents/txt/backups.`hostname`.txt

exit	0	#	Failure is not an option in a cron job

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