#                      /usr/local/bin/fey.update.sh
# http://crystalfaeries.net/posix/bin/fey.update.sh
# celeste:crystalfaery FEY.UPDATE.SH 2017-02-06 00:30:03+00:00
# This script lives at the top level of an SD Card, and is
# manually executed to update the SD Card as a (partial)
# backup of website contents (from /home/crystalfaeries.net to /home/www).
# At the same level the file .exclude.txt controls NON-copying.
# At the end of the update we generate a report in .du.txt
# showing us disk usage of what was or was NOT backed-up,
# in order to help us manually update the .exclude.txt file
# to optimize what is important to us to back-up to the SD Card.

exit	-1	# review this code before you execute it to make sure you want what it does!

synctxt	# merge .todo lists
cd /home/www/ || exit -1					# update the SD card

for remove in				    `cat .exclude.txt`
	if [ -L "$remove" ]
		then echo "ignoring target of symlink $remove"
		else rm -rf "$remove"
done								# exclude implies delete

rsync -auvzH --delete		  --exclude-from=.exclude.txt	\
--exclude=.du.txt --exclude=.update.sh --exclude=.exclude.txt	/home/crystalfaeries.net/{.??,}*	.

# calculate disk usage report
cp /dev/null						   /tmp/du.$$.txt
for d in `cat .exclude.txt`
	du -s /home/crystalfaeries.net/$d | sed 's/\/home\/crystalfaeries.net\///g'	>> /tmp/du.$$.txt
df --full | head -n 1			>  .du.txt	# Captions
df --full | grep /media/mmcblk0p1	>> .du.txt	# This partition
echo ""					>> .du.txt
echo "	EXCLUDED:"			>> .du.txt
# filter out our overhead files and weblog files
grep -v .exclude.txt /tmp/du.$$.txt | grep -v .update.sh | grep -v webalizer |	\
			sort -rn	>> .du.txt
echo ""					>> .du.txt
echo "	INCLUDED:"			>> .du.txt
/usr/local/bin/dudir			>> .du.txt

# manually review our choice of exclusions
vi .du.txt .exclude.txt .update.sh

# copy from the SD card to local hard disk to allow copying to other SD cards
rsync -auvzH .update.sh	/usr/local/bin/`hostname`.update.sh
rsync -auvzH .du.txt		 ~/txt/`hostname`.www.du.txt
rsync -auvzH .exclude.txt	 ~/txt/`hostname`.www.exclude.txt
synctxt	# integrate texts

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