
# Author: Aaron Toponce
# License: Public Domain
# Date: Mar 06, 2013
# Script for generating a challenge/response token for keysigning parties.
# After attending the party, download the public keyring from the party, or
# create one from the fingerprints on your handout. Then run this script
# against that keyring. It will generate a "tokens.txt" file. The syntax of
# that file will be as follows:
#       "KEYID","UID","TOKEN","SHA1 HASH"
# Verify that the KeyID matches what is on your printout (should be
# sufficient). Email the user with the minted Hashcash token (not the SHA1
# hash). When the user replies, with the token in the body of the mail,
# take the SHA1 of that token. If it matches what is in "tokens.txt", sign
# the UID on that key.
# It complicates things, I understand, but has the benefit that those who
# are serious about getting their key(s) signed will reply, and you won't
# needlessly sign keys that won't sign yours back.
#   * Add automation with mutt(1) to send an encrypted message with
#     everything in place automatically.
# Some ZSH foo in this script:
#   - FOO=("${(@f)$(command)}") uses the 'f' expansion flag to split on
#     newlines; useful for arrays where a string could contain spaces
#   - FOO="${BAR[(ws,:,)10]}" returns only the 10th colon-delimited field from
#     every element in the $BAR array
# Exit codes:
#   1: GnuPG is not installed or not available in $PATH
#   2: Hashcash is not installed or not avaialble in $PATH
#   3: Current dir is not writable
#   4: Targeted keyring is not readable or does not exist

# Only user-editable variables. Provide only absolute paths

BASEDIR="$(dirname $KEYRING)"
touch "$BASEDIR/tokens.txt"
: > "$BASEDIR/tokens.txt"

[ ! -x "$GPG" ] && echo "GnuPG is not installed. Please install it before continuing." && exit 1
[ ! -x "$HASHCASH" ] && echo "Hashcash is not installed. Please install it before continuing." && exit 2
[ ! -w "$BASEDIR" ] && echo "Permission denied: $BASEDIR is not writable by the current process." && exit 3
[ ! -f "$KEYRING" ] && echo "$KEYRING does not exist." && exit 4

KEYS=("${(@f)$("$GPG" --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys --no-default-keyring --keyring="$KEYRING" | awk -F ':' '$1 == "pub" {print $5}')}")

for KEY in $KEYS; do 
    "$GPG" --import $KEYRING &> "$BASEDIR/challenge-response.out"
    UIDS=("${(@f)$("$GPG" --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys "$KEY" | awk -F ':' '$1 == "uid" && $2 ~ /(-|f|m|o|q|u)/')}")
    for U in $UIDS; do
        TOKEN="$("$HASHCASH" -m $RESOURCE -Z 2)" # Mint a valid hashcash token to prevent faking the challenge/response
        HASH="$(echo -n $TOKEN | sha1sum - | sed 's/\s\+\-$//g')"
        echo "\"$KEY\",\"$RESOURCE\",\"$TOKEN\",\"$HASH\"" | tee >> "$BASEDIR/tokens.txt"

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