#                       /usr/local/bin/blog
# https://crystalfaeries.net/posix/bin/blog
# celeste:crystalfaery BLOG 2017-12-12 21:12:20+00:00
# This is a blog maintenance wrapper around (the PERL program) "chronicle"
# highly customized for https://crystalfaeries.net/
# Other than the usual help and version options, we accept:
# -e or --edit	to request an interactive edit of the blog source (todo's)
# -l or --links	to request link validation at end of run

let help=11	# this line # - 1
umask	2	# NOT world writeable
false		# default to non interactive (e.g. executed as a cron job)
let edit=$?	# default to non interactive (e.g. executed as a cron job)
let links=$?	# default to not checking links
while [ $# -ne 0 ]
  case $# in
0 | 1 | 2)	case "${1}" in
    -h | --help)
	head -n ${help} $0
    -v | --version)
	head -n ${help} $0
    -e | --edit)
	let edit=$?	# user wants an interactive edit of the blog source
    -l | --links)
	let links=$?	# user wants us to check our links
    *)	echo "$0 does not cognize ${@}" 1>&2
	shift		# pedantic
	exec $0 -h	# cluestick
	;;		# nevermore
*)	echo "$0 does not take $# arguments" 1>&2
	shift		# pedantic
	exec $0 -h	# cluestick

####### BLOG BEGIN	#######

cat		/var/log/chronicle.log >								\
		/var/log/chronicle.log-									\
	2>>	/var/log/chronicle.log		|| exit -1	# Error: 255 Require writeable log backup
echo "################################################################################################"	\
	2>	/var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -1	# Error: 255 Require writeable log file
echo "`now` BLOG START"											\
	2>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -2	# Error: 254 Require "now" for time-tagging

# we are keeping only a subset or differing hierarchy structure of clairvoyance, audio, video, pdf, so beware changes:
echo 'rsync -auvzH divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net/{.??*,*.txt,*.html,fae,src} ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net'	2>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
      rsync -auvzH divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net/{.??*,*.txt,*.html,fae,src} ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net	2>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

# echo	'KKCR Subscriptions'							2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
subscriptions > ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/audio/kkcr/subscriptions.html	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log

echo	'ASTROLOG'		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
astrolog			2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo	'HCAL BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
hcal > ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/hcal.html								\
				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -56	# Error: 200

echo 'CLEAR TRASH' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
rm -rf	/home/{crystalfaeries.net,www}/.Trash-${UID}							\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo	'PERMISSIONS BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
# NOTE:	Once this is run manually to get permissions correct, subsequent invocations by cron should work.
# Goto the Blog Source directory where we edit most files of blog
cd -P ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src/									\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -3	# Error: 253 Require blog source directory

# NOTE: if we link posix/ to /usr/local, beware making /usr/local/bin/* UN-executable!
# Force Permissions (private content is only available as file:///)
# we try to be silent and not require sudo password, but will retry with it if necessary
     find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/ /home/{audio,video}/www/	-type d	\! -perm	2775 		\
				\! -name		celeste 					\
				\! -name		src 						\
	-print -exec	chmod			2775 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| 								\
sudo find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/ /home/{audio,video}/www/	-type d	\! -perm	2775 		\
				\! -name		celeste 					\
				\! -name		src 						\
	-print -exec	chmod			2775 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -4	# Error: 252 Permissions Unsettable

# index.html hides ALL	private content from	http://
# only access to	private content is	file:///
			chmod			771	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/celeste		\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| 								\
sudo			chmod			771	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/celeste		\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -5	# Error: 251 Permissions Unsettable

			chmod			770	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src			\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| 								\
sudo			chmod			770	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src			\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -6	# Error: 250 Permissions Unsettable

     find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/ /home/{audio,video}/www/	-type f	\! -perm	664 		\
				\! -name		'.??*' 						\
	-print -exec	chmod			664 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| 								\
sudo find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/ /home/{audio,video}/www/	-type f	\! -perm	664 		\
				\! -name		'.??*' 						\
	-print -exec	chmod			664 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -7	# Error: 249 Permissions Unsettable

# ToDo (.??*) Files:
     find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src/	-type f \! -perm	660 					\
				   -name		'.??*' 						\
	-print -exec	chmod			660 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| 								\
sudo find ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src/	-type f \! -perm	660 					\
				   -name		'.??*'						\
	-print -exec	chmod			660 {} \;						\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -8	# Error: 248 Permissions Unsettable

echo	'EXPIRE BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
# EXPIRE Articles containing "Expiry:" entry
pushd ${HOME} >& /dev/null || exit -9	# Error: 247 /usr/local/bin/delete only works in home directory until we recode it
for f in $(grep '^Expiry:	' ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src/*.txt | sed 's/:.*$//')
	if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(grep '^Expiry:	' ${f} | cut -f2-) ]
	then	# this article is beyond its expiry timestamp
		echo "Expired:	${f}"	>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 2>&1
		delete		${f}	>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 2>&1
	else	# this article is within its limited lifespan
		echo "Visible:	${f}"	>>	/var/log/chronicle.log 2>&1
popd >& /dev/null || exit -9	# Error: 247 back to chronicle blog source

# Unless the user erred in article creation, Expiry should post-date Publish date, right?
# So above we only expired already published articles, not Future Publish articles we may now reveal.

echo	'REVEAL BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
# NOTE: User may PREVIEW hidden files with /usr/local/bin/preview in ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/fay/
# User may generate "tomorrow's" blog entry as a hidden file
# which is not published by chronicle until first run of publish date:
rsync -auvzH 		.`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt							\
			 `date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2			\
	&&	touch	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src
rm			.`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2			\
	&&	touch	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src

# if [ \! -f `date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt ]
# then	# generate default file if user did not pre-pare today's blog entry
# 	echo "Date:	`date -u --rfc-3339=seconds | sed 's/ .*$/ 10:00:00+00:00/'`"			\
# 		     >  `date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt		# dated as of beginning of day in local TZ
# 	cat	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src/.template.txt	>> `date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.fae.txt		\
# 	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -10      # Error: 246 Default Template
# 	touch	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src
# fi

preview		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2		# Update Previews of Future Blog Entries

if [ ${edit} -eq 0 ]
then							# User wants an interactive edit session of blog source
	pushd	~	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2		# Go Home to be able to delete while editing
	todo							# edit today's entry, and see ToDo's before updating blog
	popd		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2		# Return to Blog Source Directory

# if [ $(date +%s -r ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/src) -gt $(date +%s -r ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/fae) ]
# then	# source is newer than HTML (see /etc/chroniclerc for pre and post touch ops)
	echo "`now` CHRONICLE START" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -11	# Error: 245 Chronicle Error
	chronicle --verbose	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	let chroniclereturn=${?}
	if [[ ${chroniclereturn} -eq 0 ]]
		echo "`now` CHRONICLE END" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -12	# Error: 244 Chronicle Error
		echo "`now` CHRONICLE ERROR: ${chroniclereturn}" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -13	# Error: 243 Chronicle Error

	sed -i 's/No tags/<hr	align="center" width="100%">/g'						\
		${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/fae/{*.html,archive/*/*/*.html}			\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log      || exit -14	# Error: 242 SiteMap Error

	gzip -c ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/fae/sitemap.xml >	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/sitemap.xml.gz	\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log      || exit -15	# Error: 241 SiteMap Error
	recently_linked										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -16	# Error: 240 Recently Updated Error
	recently_updated										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -17	# Error: 239 Recently Updated Error
# fi

# do not remove any of the --exclude's just below without carefuly analysis!
# this IS a problem because we are keeping only a SUBSET of server contents on source laptop!
# OR because we have differing file hierarchies between laptop and server.
echo 'UPLOAD SRC + HTML TO SERVER' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# BEWARE WE DELETE ALL BUT EXCLUDED!
rsync -auvzH --delete											\
	--exclude='.*.swp'										\
	--exclude=audio											\
	--exclude=clairvoyance										\
	--exclude=clipart										\
	--exclude=fay											\
	--exclude=icons											\
	--exclude=imgs											\
	--exclude=lost+found										\
	--exclude=pdf											\
	--exclude=posix											\
	--exclude=video											\
	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/.??*									\
	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/*									\
	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo 'UPLOAD CLAIRVOYANCE CLASSES HTML + TXT TO SERVER' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
rsync -auvzH			${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/clairvoyance/*.{html,txt}			\
	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net/clairvoyance					\
						  2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo	'GALLERIES BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
cd -P ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/									\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -17	# Error: 239 Image Directory Permissions Error
if [ 0 -ne $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -newer HEADER.html						\
	\! -name astro.bmp										\
	\! -name moon.png										\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log									\
	| /usr/bin/wc											\
	| /bin/sed 's/^ *//g;s/ .*$//g') ]
then	# have new image file other than
	# the /usr/local/bin/astrolog generated astrological image or
	# the /usr/bin/pngphoon generated moon image
	echo "index being updated: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -18	# Error: 238 Require writeable log file
	cp ../HEADER.html	HEADER.html	# no output unless image files present
	igal2 -i		HEADER.html								\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	#	|| exit -19	# Error: 237 igal2 /imgs/HEADER.html
	cat ~/crystalfaeries.net/README.html >>	HEADER.html					\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log     	|| exit -20	# Error: 236 igal2 /imgs/HEADER.html
	echo "index was updated in `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -21	# Error: 235 Require writeable log file
else	# ok
	echo "index is current in: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -22	# Error: 234 Require writeable log file

echo	'SUBGALLERIES BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

#	DO NOT alter these hand-built directories: ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/{bettie+ets,coins,puthg}
#	NOTE the imgs/coins directory is entirely manually managed for /fae/lawful_money.html
#	DO NOT imagescape these directories (see also: ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/.exclude):
for d in	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/clipart							\
	cd -P ${d}	# note we expect ABSOLUTE PATHS!

	# do we have updates in this directory? (including deletions)
	if [ 0 -eq $(find . -newer index.html 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/wc | /bin/sed 's/^ *//g;s/ .*$//g'	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log) ]
		echo "index is current in: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -23	# Error: 233 Require writeable log file
		echo "index being updated: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -24	# Error: 232 Require writeable log file

		# remove the old index files as any file addition or deletion shifts gallery entries
		find .	-iname	'*.html' 								\
		\!	-name	HEADER.html 								\
		\!	-name	README.html 								\
		\!	-name	.indextemplate2.html 							\
		\!	-name	.slidetemplate2.html 							\
		\!	-name	.tile.png								\
			-exec	rm {} \;								\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

		# remove all thumbnails as obsolete or orphanned
		rm .thumb_*										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

		# generate new thumbnails and index files
		cp	/dev/null	index.html	# no output unless image files present
		/usr/bin/igal2										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 # || exit -25	# Error: 231 Image Gallery Error

		# prepend our HEADER in front of igal2's index and postpend README, leaving index.html as newer than .
		cat {HEADER,index,${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/README}.html >	\
						/tmp/$$.html			\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log			# Do we ALWAYS HAVE an HEADER file?
		cat				/tmp/$$.html >	index.html	\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -26	# Error: 230 Image Gallery Error
		echo "index was updated in `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -27	# Error: 229 Require writeable log file

# Namlu'u Gallery is NOT imagescaped, has custom index
echo	"Namlu'u GALLERY BEGIN" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
cd	~/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/namluu
cat	    HEADER.html				\
>	/tmp/index.html
rm	.thumb_* ?.html ??.html ???.html	\
tail -n +18  index.html				\
>>	/tmp/index.html
cat	~/crystalfaeries.net/README.html	\
>>	/tmp/index.html
cat	/tmp/index.html				\
>	     index.html 

#	DO imagescape these directories:
echo	'imagescape GALLERIES BEGIN' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

for d in	$(cat ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/.include)
	cd -P ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/imgs/${d}	# NOTE DIRECTORIES RELATIVE TO imgs directory

	# do we have updates in this directory? (including deletions)
	if [ 0 -eq $(find . -newer index.html 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log | /usr/bin/wc | /bin/sed 's/^ *//g;s/ .*$//g'	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log) ]
		echo "index is current in: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -23	# Error: 233 Require writeable log file
		echo "index being updated: `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -24	# Error: 232 Require writeable log file

		# remove the old index files as any file addition or deletion shifts gallery entries
		# find .	-iname	'*.html' 							\
		# \!	-name	HEADER.html 								\
		# \!	-name	README.html 								\
		# \!	-name	.indextemplate2.html 							\
		# \!	-name	.slidetemplate2.html 							\
		# \!	-name	.tile.png								\
			# -exec	rm {} \;								\
		# 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

		# remove index pages
		rm ?.html ??.html ???.html ????.html							\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

		# remove all thumbnails as obsolete or orphanned
		rm .thumb_*										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

		# imagescape the directory
		imagescape . 2>>/var/log/chronicle.log		# hardlink in subdirectories from un-sorted files

		# generate new thumbnails and index files
		cp	/dev/null	index.html	2>>	/var/log/chronicle.log	1>&2	# no output unless image files present
		/usr/bin/igal2										\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 # || exit -25	# Error: 231 Image Gallery Error

		# prepend our HEADER in front of igal2's index leaving index.html as newer than .
		cat {HEADER,index,${home}/crystalfaeries.net/README}.html >	/tmp/$$.html		\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log			# Do we ALWAYS HAVE an HEADER file?
		cat	/tmp/$$.html	>	index.html						\
		2>> /var/log/chronicle.log	|| exit -26	# Error: 230 Image Gallery Error
		echo "index was updated in `pwd`" 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -27	# Error: 229 Require writeable log file

		# update the subdirectories
		for d in landscape portrait
			if [ -d $d ]
				pushd $d				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -25	# Error: 231

				# remove index pages
				rm ?.html ??.html ???.html ????.html	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# || exit -25	# Error: 231

				# remove all thumbnails as obsolete or orphanned
				rm .thumb_*				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# || exit -25	# Error: 231

				# generate the new gallery index
				/usr/bin/igal2				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# || exit -25	# Error: 231

				popd					2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -25	# Error: 231

# fdedupe the website
cd -P ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/										\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -45	# Error: 211
for i in {1..9}
	fdedupe -f											\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -53	# Error: 203

echo 'UPLOAD CLIPART  TO SERVER' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# BEWARE WE DELETE ALL BUT EXCLUDED!
echo   'rsync -auvzH --delete	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/clipart	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net'									2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	rsync -auvzH --delete	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/clipart	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net									2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo 'UPLOAD IMGS+PDFs	TO SERVER'					2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
pushd	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/pdf					2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
tree -Fht	-T "crystalfaeries pdfs+epubs (most recent on top)"	\
		-H http://crystalfaeries.net/pdf	> index.html	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 
popd									2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
echo   'rsync -auvzH		${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/{imgs,pdf}		divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net'											2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
        rsync -auvzH		${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/{imgs,pdf}		divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net											2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo 'AGGREGATE BACKUP TO "secure" DISK'				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 
mkdir -p /home/www							2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 
find /home/www -type l -print -exec rm {} \;				2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 
echo "rsync -auvzH --delete --exclude='.*.swp' --exclude=audio --exclude=clairvoyance --exclude=fay --exclude=imgs/3d2 --exclude=imgs/3dc --exclude=linkdoc	--exclude=pdf --exclude=posix --exclude=video	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/{.??,}*	/home/www"	\
									2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	rsync -auvzH --delete	\
	--exclude='.*.swp'	\
	--exclude=audio		\
	--exclude=clairvoyance	\
	--exclude=fay		\
	--exclude=imgs/3d2	\
	--exclude=imgs/3dc	\
	--exclude=imgs/legshow	\
	--exclude=linkdoc	\
	--exclude=pdf		\
	--exclude=posix		\
	--exclude=video		\
	${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/{.??,}*	/home/www	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

# fdedupe the web backup
cd -P /home/www												\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -57	# Error: 199
for i in {1..9}
	fdedupe -f											\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -58	# Error: 198

# back to the website
cd -P ${HOME}/crystalfaeries.net/										\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 || exit -59	# Error: 197

echo 'UPLOAD MEDIA TO SERVER' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	# NOT YET DELETING
rsync -auvzH	/home/audio/www/*	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net/audio	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 
rsync -auvzH	/home/video/www/*	divservi@box6537.bluehost.com:~/crystalfaeries.net/video	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2 
echo   "ssh -t divservi@box6537.bluehost.com 'find ~/crystalfaeries.net/ -type d \! -perm 2775 -print -exec chmod 2775 {} \;'"	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	ssh -t divservi@box6537.bluehost.com 'find ~/crystalfaeries.net/ -type d \! -perm 2775 -print -exec chmod 2775 {} \;'	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
echo   "ssh -t divservi@box6537.bluehost.com 'find ~/crystalfaeries.net/ -type f \! -perm  664 -print -exec chmod  664 {} \;'"	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	ssh -t divservi@box6537.bluehost.com 'find ~/crystalfaeries.net/ -type f \! -perm  664 -print -exec chmod  664 {} \;'	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

echo 'CLEAR SWAP FILES and EMPTY FILES' 2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
find	/home/{crystalfaeries.net,www}/ -iname '.*.swp'		-print -exec rm {} \;			\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
find	/home/{crystalfaeries.net,www}/ -depth -type f -size 0	-print -exec rm {} \;			\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2

# done updating blog
echo "`now` BLOG END $?"											\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
echo "################################################################################################"	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -1	# Error: 255 Require writeable log file
# now it's time to validate our links
if [ ${links} -eq 0 ]
then							# User wants links validated

echo "`now` LINK_LINT BEGIN"										\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
	link_lint											\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
echo "`now` LINK_LINT END $?"										\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2
echo "################################################################################################"	\
	2>> /var/log/chronicle.log 1>&2	|| exit -1	# Error: 255 Require writeable log file
exit $?

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