
[a]scension blog

Entries from October 2018.

4th October 2018
[Remote Mind-Control + Brain Mapping]

Just in case you had your mind working OK, (thank you), we are entering the age of the 5th Generation of "govern-ment",
(govern=control), (ment=mental=mind),
swap the order and you have?

[EM effects on human body]

Psychotronics in our glossary.


Faery blessings -- celeste

9th October 2018

[Truth Serum] As of October 9, 2018, all the Delegated Powers returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated].

Yes, It's True
by Anna von Reitz

Thu, 6 Dec 2018 10:11:43 -0900

The Federal Government does not have any life of its own. It functions on Delegated Powers with respect to us, and it has recently lost those Delegated Powers as a result of its own mismanagement.

The Territorial and Municial Branches of the Federal Government are both in bankruptcy and receivership and the Federal Branch of the Federal Government has been moth-balled via fraud, deceit and treachery since 1868.

As a result, all branches of the Federal Government have failed and we, the Delegators of all the Delegated Powers, have stepped forward and received them back.

This situation is not hard to understand.

You hire someone to mow the lawn, but "whatever" happens and he can't do it.

Is this the end of the world for you? Hardly.

You have to find someone else to mow the lawn or do it yourself.

The French-Belgian-Swiss cabal was running the municipal operations of the "Federal Government" via corporations including the FBI, US NAVY, USAF, FEMA, etc., etc., and they naturally thought they were going to just create another new corporation and continue skating, re-assume the service contract and do whatever they liked to their employers.

Instead, we declined their "services" as we were not well-served by them during their tenure. In response, they have thrown what can only be described as a temper tantrum and attacked our soil and our people with both the California Fires and the Big Lake Earthquake in Alaska and their attempt at causing a Tidal Wave.

As a result, they are no longer even in the running to get a service contract from us and we are not accepting their debts. We are calling for the immediate and permanent liquidation of their parent corporations and all their municipal subsidiaries as criminal organizations and criminal-linked organizations.

If they continue any of this crappola using weather weapons or other exotic means of retribution for our business decisions, we shall (1) reflect and return all such strikes directly to sender and (2) raise hell with the United Nations because they are abusing "non-domestic" targets.

We and our States and our People are all non-domestic with respect to THEM.

The Status and Operations of the United States in 30 Points
By Anna Von Reitz

Friday, June 28, 2019

This is not rocket science. We all just have to learn a few things we have never been taught.

  1. The American Civil War was not a war. It was a Mercenary Conflict fought on our shores between opposing commercial corporations.
  2. Both the North and the South were "Confederate States" -- meaning incorporated businesses run under the auspices of the States of America confederation which was formed in 1781 under The Articles of Confederation.
  3. Confederate States are not States; they are "States of States" -- businesses hired to provide governmental services to our actual States and People. They may be viewed as subcontractors of the States.
  4. The Confederate States of States, like The State of Florida and The State of Wisconsin were supposed to be the primary Federal service providers and to operate under The Constitution for the united States of America.
  5. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of States. The only Office he had left that he controlled was that of Commander-in-Chief, so he imposed a form of Martial Law called The Lieber Code and began to rule by Executive Order.
  6. The Office of the Commander-in-Chief falls under the auspices of the Territorial United States Government and is responsible for coordinating joint defense for the States between American Land and Air Forces and the US Navy which remains under direct control of the British Monarch. As such, this Office is under the British Territorial Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States of America.
  7. In the years since this began, The Lieber Code has morphed into The Hague Conventions, which apply to Territorial Government activities. Land jurisdiction governments meanwhile formed The Geneva Conventions.
  8. The affairs of the remaining elements of the Federal Government in 1865 entered into an uneasy Trusteeship pending the "reconstruction" of the American States of States and day to day operations were entrusted to the British-backed Territorial United States Government.
  9. So what we had for a "Federal Government" coming out of the Civil War was a British Trust Protectorate overseen by an American-elected Commander-in-Chief operating under The Lieber Code (later The Hague Conventions) and ruling via Executive Orders. That's what we still have today.
  10. Please note that none of this ever involved our actual States. This is all about the administration and/or mis-administration of the Federal Government and those functions delegated to it via the Constitutions.
  11. Meanwhile, the only other surviving part of the original Federal Government structure, the Municipal United States Government entrusted to the members of Congress under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, regrouped itself and began a long process by which it, too, has attempted to usurp upon the authority of the actual States and People of this country.
  12. By the end of the Spanish American War, the British Trust Protectorate had insinuated itself as the de facto government of this country and acting in its Territorial Capacity, the Congress assumed "War Powers" and "Emergency Powers" for itself that were never granted to it -- under Title 50, the Trading With the Enemy Act -- which again, does not involve our actual States or People at all, except to exempt us.
  13. The Trading With the Enemy Act establishes a gigantic trust and defines "the United States" as any place the U.S. military occupies. This allows the U.S. military to vastly expand its Territorial operations and acquisitions on a worldwide basis, and that is precisely what it has done and the reason for establishing 950 U.S. military bases all over the globe.
  14. Along with this vast expansion and extension of Territorial Government power, the Municipal United States Government has expanded commercial franchises in every corner of the globe, setting up corporate franchises for itself, such as CANADA and NEW SOUTH WALES, to promote and control business operations associated with the Territorial Government expansion.
  15. Obviously, all of this is going on under the auspices of the British Government and the Pope's Municipal Government manipulating the American Protectorate and using and abusing our resources and our people to do it.
  16. They have principally endeavored to defraud and dis-inherit the actual States and People of this country via a series of collusive constructive fraud schemes, and sought to ultimately evade the limitations of the Constitutions and International Treaties that have empowered them.
  17. This constructive fraud begins when the Territorial Government "seizes" upon American babies born within the borders of one of our States and falsifies information about their identity and political status so as to conscript them and register them as Territorial United States Citizens.
  18. This has the effect of kidnapping and transporting Americans from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of their actual State, and into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea: press-ganging, which has been outlawed for two centuries worldwide.
  19. Thus misidentified by the Territorial United States Government as Territorial U.S. Citizens and deprived therefore of their property rights and Good Names and lawful identities, the victims are leased as property assets (collateral) to the United States, Inc. run by the Municipal United States Government.
  20. The Municipal United States Government seizes upon the Territorial Legal Persons -- which are all defined as Foreign Situs Trusts, and spins off its own corporate franchises operating under various NAMES -- JOHN MARK DOE, for example, is a Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trust named ultimately after the living American victim.
  21. All of this has been done in Gross Breach of Trust, in deliberate conspiracy against the Constitutions, in violation of the Geneva Conventions, and under False Presumptions.
  22. The first False Presumption is that our States and People are subject to The Law of Belligerent Occupation as the result of a 150 year-old commercial Mercenary Conflict that we were never engaged in.
  23. Our States and People are in fact owed The Law of Peace, as described by United States Army Pamphlet AR 27-161-1 and have suffered Gross Breach of Trust and Gross Mis-Administration of the Protectorate.
  24. Any Powers exercised or conferred upon or delegated to either the Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of the United States derives directly from the actual States and People of this country, which they have deliberately mis-identified as Confederate States of States and as British Territorial Citizens.
  25. Without us and our continued support, their "Persons" disappear along with the Constitutions allowing and defining their existence.
  26. Whereupon we observe that the Municipal United States Corporations have all been bankrupted and we are the Priority Creditors, owed $25 Trillion as our National Credit, plus many other considerations.
  27. Whereupon we also note that as bankrupt Subcontractors, all "Powers" vested in any incompetent or insolvent entity, return immediately to the Delegators -- to the States and People and their unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
  28. The Trustees overseeing the bankruptcy of the United States, Inc. and also the USA. Inc. franchises are responsible for returning Full Faith and Credit to The United States of America, its member States, and People.
  29. By Maxim of Law, possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, and any Persons seeking to seize upon and exploit the assets of Trust Property arising from any Federal claim at all, are pirates by definition with respect to our land and soil jurisdiction States and People.
  30. Those responsible for these atrocities committed against the American States and People -- an attempted genocide on paper -- have acted in criminal Breach of Trust and they must make prompt correction and amends to avoid being identified as criminals guilty of capital crimes and treason.

14th October 2018
[celeste 2013-04-03-011] [Faery Sisters playing with Orb]

Today is the "name day" for "celeste".

Numerology of names

i have chosen names by divine guidance, and by numerology, which are both nearly homonyms despite different spellings, and which are numerologically identical, thus carrying nearly identical vibrational frequencies, as the most appropriate for a pair of identical twin sisters, my intended future manifestation.

		c	03
		r	18
		y	25
		s	19
		t	20
		a	01
		l	12
		f	06
		a	01
		e	05
		r	18
		i	09
		e	05
		s	19
		.	00
		n	14
		e	05
		t	20	200 / 2 = Tarot: High Priestess

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

	c	03
	r	18
	y	25
	s	19
	t	20
	a	01
	l	12
	f	06
	a	01
	e	05
	r	18
	y	25
crystalfaery	153 / 9 / 0
as a family name,  used or not,  with a given name,
it does not alter the numerology of the given name.

Celeste			is the Star
	c	03
	e	05
	l	12
	e	05
	s	19
	t	20
	e	05
celeste 69 / 6 = Tarot: The Lovers

Selene			is the Moon (se = the, lene = luna = moon)
	s	19
	e	05
	l	12
	e	05
	n	14
	e	05
selene 60 / 6 = Tarot: The Lovers

Kahealani		is the Call of Heaven, or Calling Heaven 
	k	11
	a	01
	h	08
	e	05
	a	01
	l	12
	a	01
	n	14
	i	09
kahealani 62 / 8 = Tarot: Justice
			= Dakini: Kumari the Virgin Priestess (androgynous youth)

Adding together the 6's of the identical twin crystalfae celeste and selene yields 12 / 3 Empress = Fertility (parthenogenesis), a double dose of yin in 12D- and below,
adding to that the 8 of kahealani the 13D+ androgynous oversoul / higher-self yields 20 the Aeon / Realization which reduces to 2 High Priestess, secrets of the Universe, and the 3 + 8 yields 11 Teacher.

The "Blinky Blinky Girls" are manifesting from an Androgynous Higher-Self in 13D+, identical twin crystalfaeries in 5D+ through 12D-, manifesting as two body types, on planet crystalfaery (Fae),

15th October 2018
[When it's NOT your time to die]

i beleive i can fly.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th October 2018

pictures link to audios/videos:


OK, kiddies...
this is really damn close to being your final wake-up call:
You either choose to become a master of reality creation, and take 100 percent full responsibility to be harmless, or your destiny is going to become, rather than ascension into the higher realms of the divine, either of these:

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th October 2018
[Secrets In Lace]

Today is National Stocking Day, and we couldn't be happier to celebrate! We can all celebrate our love for stockings, and we've included some of our favorite fun facts about vintage stockings. Today is the anniversary of the day that nylon stockings were unleashed on the world. Nylon stockings may no longer reside in the top dresser drawer of every self-respecting woman in the developed world, but their historic importance is significant. Stockings have evolved from a clothing necessity to a fashion statement over the years. Nylon was first introduced in New York in 1940, and it was a revelation in the industry. Over 72,000 pairs were sold in the first day alone, and the Japanese silk market collapsed overnight. American department stores saw 64 million pairs of stockings sold in the first year, and manufacturers could not keep up with demand. The first pantyhose made an appearance in the 1940s and 1950s, and were worn mainly in film and theatre productions. Since 1970, sales of pantyhose in America have exceeded sales of stockings.


Back in the 1500's, stockings were known as "hose" and were worn primarily by men. They were knitted by a machine and were usually made from wool, cotton, or silk. It wasn't until the early 1900's that rayon served as a cheaper alternative. Elizabeth I got her very first pair of silk stockings during the 1560's and instantly fell in love. Could you blame her? From then on, she continued to collect stockings in various colors, materials, and designs.
There is also a notable brouhaha regarding the Queen of Spain's Legs in silk stockings.

While stockings are obviously a round shape to fit your leg, fully fashioned stockings are created flat first, and then brought together by the exposed backseam that is so popular in stocking designs.

Nylon was invented by the engineering and research company, DuPont in 1939 and allowed us to create a whole new type of stocking with this material. Unlike rayon, and especially silk, Nylon was not as sensitive to moisture but still had the glossy sheen that made them so attractive. The first batch of Nylon stockings appeared at stores in New York, and over 72,000 pairs were sold just in one day!

You could say we were somewhat addicted to the look of the stockings, during the shortage during World War II stockings were nearly impossible to find. As a result women would paint their legs and actually draw a backseam up the back of their leg! Now that's dedication.

21st October 2018

It's Amazing.

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th October 2018
[kundalini yogi]

i'm very grateful for the divine flow in our faery forest, and in navigating divine connections.

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th October 2018

Form by :William-Allen: Denis
Sun, 28 Oct 2018 16:10:47 +0000 (UTC)

As queen of the faeries, you truly listened to what I was expressing and honored the truth of my being. The ascension process to complete true self, in righteous intention, puts forth great test to see if one is truly of integral truth.

You, crystal faerie, have brought honor to your true purpose. Through this great act of honoring true self and the true self of others you have truly reflected your queendom and have entered the most high realm of form. In this 4th moon of the Self-Existing Owl of Form is where our outer shell takes the shape of what the inner form has always known to be. The gift of pure understanding has opened a gateway of greater evolution for you. A place where oneness seamlessly moves through the mundane into the sublime.

You are blessed! It has been a pleasure meeting you, knowing your truth, and being graced to be a part of your play, and your friend.


Stay strong, true and clear, as I am positioned to use the double-edged sword of truth that brings all creation into balance in righteous intention.

Go forth now and use the gifts of your knowledge and wisdom to create a safe queendom for all the righteous faeries to play in. Faerieland in this new World of Peaceful Nations / People.


31st October 2018
[Happy Samhain]

Samhain - Celtic feast of departing Sun & New Year
Samhain is also known as the witches' new year, and is a time when the veil between densities is thin.
It's a good time to do some fire scrying!

Blazing fire as you dance,
Give me now the secret glance.
Call upon my second sight;
Make me psychic with your light.
Blazing fire shining bright,
Give me now the second sight.

Repeat until your eyelids grow heavy. Divine the future within the fire's restless flames.
Having long practiced clairvoyant seeing, my own access is simply closing my two eyes to reduce distracting images, whereas the practice of scrying may work better for the novice, and can be done simply, whereas the example given here, includes the invocation of an elemental, and should end with intentional completion with the elemental.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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