
[a]scension blog

Entries from August 2017.

15th August 2017

On the way to Scarborough Faire we found these correspondences:
Parsley = Comfort
Sage = Strength
Rosemary = Love
Thyme = Courage

Faery blessings -- celeste

21st August 2017
[Sun Eclipsed by Moon]

Ascension is about holding one's vibration and consciousness in higher realms, above duality, above the realm of space-time, beyond the influences of time itself.
Those of us who have caught the energies of one of the waves of ascension, live in the eternal now.

i'm holding fast the frequencies of my new paradigm.

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd August 2017

Yesterday's eclipse certainly stirred-up many energies, including here on Kaua'i our most intense ever thunder and lightening storms, and many lessons for many people, including people in bodies other than " [mankind]". As the calm after the storm settles in, we are able to integrate the shifts of consciousness, of energies, of perspective, and hopefully for most of the collective, we wish for an improvement in precepts.
It is time to awaken to our oneness.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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