
[a]scension blog

Entries from February 2017.

4th February 2017
[Lg Fairy]

This morning i biked to Kalihiwai Point, just to immerse in, and activate the energy patterns. Harmonious frequencies are a delight, and a welcome break from the role of frequency holder in the predominantly reptilian consciousness of the old plantation dwellings.
My heart and soul ache to manifest in my namlu'u crystalfaery body in 5D+ now!
Faery blessings -- celeste

5th February 2017
[lost fairy]

For the knowing of tomril is with the incarnation in the body with the name celeste of the crystal faeries.
Faery blessings -- celeste

9th February 2017
[Pink Fairy]

Today we are inspired to claim the law of the air. We have long sought to be free from the law of the sea, since what we truly seek as hummingbird / faery is the Law of the Air which is global in jurisdiction.
If you obey these Laws of the Air, you automatically fulfill all other laws and stand above any other form of law.
It has only three laws:

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th February 2017
[Princess Faery]

11:00 HST Moon (Virgo) Conjunct [Virgo] North Node
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is connected and fused together with
energies of karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth.
They will affect each other prominently.
Gentleness has been gracing us, after an intense blowing rainstorm after sunset last evening, the entire night through nearly noon today we were blessed with gentle rain, washing, soothing, nurturing our plant friends, and our emotions so triggered by yesterday's full moon.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th February 2017
[Snow Angel]

Sunday begins gently with clear skies. The peace and calm give us support for introversion. We contemplate our image du jour, observing a snow-globe world, and the metaphor that our so-called "reality" is in fact an illusion, a hologram, in which we explore our "selves", and have the opportunity to overcome the illusion of a separate self, and come to the knowing of our oneness with all, especially, the consciousness which is that which contains the snowglobe itself.
Faery blessings -- celeste

13th February 2017

As we release all attachment to a unique "self" identity, we are freed to be more, larger, infinite, one-with-all, which is, after all, the actual truth, of who we truly are... the one infinite source living through an infinitude of individuations for the sheer joy of experiencing all possibilities, of which, we are a unique fragment, a piece of the divine jigsaw puzzle, which only fits together to reveal the divine plan when each of us is our own unique shape.
Faery blessings -- celeste

14th February 2017

Any excuse for more beings to be more loving is a fairy good thing :-)
Faery blessings -- celeste

16th February 2017
[Sprinkling Stars Faery]

Each one of us is a unique miracle expressing some portion of the infinite all-that-is. When we re-member that there is but one source of the consciousness life-force energy so expressing then we may perceive all others as part of the one which is the basis of our attracting and receiving the same frequencies we radiate.

i remain informed by Tomril that i am in grace in a void between two realities. By still being in the 4D- world but not being of the 4D- world I am no longer functional in the collective time-line i'm jumping from, and still await bodily arrival in 5D+. Meanwhile, i am aligning with Kalihiwai Point.

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th February 2017
[Shadow Babe]

Aloha :-)
What shall we co-create in 5D+ today?

Faery blessings -- celeste

20th February 2017
[Emerald Love Fairy]

What would you like to co-create with me today in 5D+?
Faery blessings -- celeste

26th February 2017
[Fairy Animation]

05:00 AM HST New Moon
...time for creation of new time-lines.

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th February 2017
[tooth fairy]

i have chosen to receive from the tooth fairy the blessings of healing energies for my teeth. A broken molar is slowly growing up from below the gum line, seeking to meet with and grind with its partner. I beleive in my body's inherent wisdom and self-healing powers.
Faery blessings -- celeste

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