
[a]scension blog

Entries from August 2013.

15th August 2013

Aloha DebIan-Women

I'd like to start with a reminder of the name DebIan, the contraction of the names of two people, Deb, and Ian. A woman was instrumental in the very existence of DebIan.

Picking a category (women) which selects half the population, immediately yields that there is very little in common within the group. DebIan software is for humans, regardless any other characteristic.

What sustains a group is either controversy, learning / growth, or cocreation. By now women should not be controversial on our planet, however, we are in the midst of a huge transformation of consciousness ending the patriarchal domination of the planet, an issue affecting all of human life, not particularly DebIan. As for learning+growth, software and computing are a way humans are exploring consciousness, and our process of ascension beyond the limitations of 3D will ultimately lead to transcending physical technology, and the software it runs, however, the concepts of information sharing, and whatever controls we place thereupon, are universal, and universally, the akashic records are open to all, so DebIan as FLOSSware is in alignment with cosmic truth, whereas *ALL* proprietary/restricted/secret info, thus copyrights and patents, are in contradiction to the essence of life. That leaves cocreation, and DebIan as a modern example of cocreation, transcending all artificial categorization by sex or gender, race, nationality, etc. Therefore, we can start with the question... what is the true purpose / productivity / cocreation of Debian Women?

DebIan, by being FLOSS, is already of feminine values of cooperation versus the traditional patriarchal / proprietary / corporate values of win-lose competition. Therefore, we might say that DebIan *is* feminine, and it *should* therefore be a leading example of where and how women and women's values and priorities can and may thrive, yay even *should* thrive. Therefore, women should feel right at home in any area of Debian, and the men in DebIan's community, should be congratulated and appreciated for having embraced and living and supporting feminine values :-) Thanks, Guys!

Since as spirits we're all androgynous, and higher truth is of total information sharing, as we all progress, our success will be measured by the ultimate extinction of Debian Women as unneccessary, an anachronism of the awakening and transition to higher consciousness. So, Ladies, it's time to lead. In traditional culture, it is the wise feminine (within both men and women) which gives culture and society its direction, whereas the masculine "doer" within both men and women, implements the ideals. Thus, the most important role of participation for Debian Women, is to constructively guide and initiate "in which direction should we be growing?"

While DebIan is sufficiently slow moving to retain traditional values, whilst other "distros" pursue the latest fads, we can constructively discuss and find agreement on the directions DebIan "ought to" grow. Therefore, I challenge Debian Women to discuss and converge upon a direction of evolution for DebIan... what trends would we like to see? What does DebIan lack that needs to be created?

From the ancient days, we inherit the value of "show me your code", "code is queen", and, oh, yeah, by the way, documentation would be nice. But now that we have a fully functional overall software ecosystem, other than incorporating support for the latest woman-machine interfaces, what feminine values do we find yet unimplemented, necessary, relevant?

I hope here to ask the questions that initiate discussion, rather than to provide here my own answers, to generate more questions, which via community cooperation, communication, and cocreation, will lead to answers.

Aloha, Angela Kahealani

17th August 2013

While there are both positive and negative "arguments" / "reasons" some associate with the use of ORMES / ORMUS, it is nevertheless true that many of our "positive associations" with most "herbs" is really that those herbs carry within them a high OMRES / ORMUS content, so we are in many ways in our lives playing with them, and really the issue is not so much the raw material thereof, but whether or not they are in a "high spin state", which is where the alchemist imparts alchemy upon the raw material.

Other than Joe Lello, names you may encounter are David Hudson, and Barry Carter, each of which i recommend. i continue much in the tradition of my training, that we can do anything with energy and intent, thus i tend to live "as the alchemist", rather than developing a dependence upon external beings/people/alchemists or material/ORMES/ORMUS, yet i also continue to intake the raw material in the form of high ORMES/ORMUS content salts, which i then raise to high spin states via meditation / intent. Please to remember that intent is everything, so even should you find/take external physical material high in ORMES/ORMUS content, it is imperative to apply your own intent/will thereunto to override any intent of the creative alchemist who produced it, i.e. "took it to alleged high spin state". But then, we can do this with all our intake of food / water. There are also much information about extracting ORMES/ORMUS from water with magnetic precipitators, and concepts like applying strong magnets to the base of your blender to provide vortex activation of the ORMES/ORMUS in any of your food. Incidentally, some of the strongest magnets available are those used inside disk drives, so, should you be "lucky enough" to have a computer disk drive "die" on you, celebrate as you disassemble it and remove the magnets therefrom to then apply to your blender :-)

One of the principles we are dealing with as we transition into ascension, is that the "traditional" electromagnetics we live with in 3D "will not work" in ascended reality, whereas magnetics, and magnetoelectrics will work. Scalar waves are transdimensional and will remain part of reality. Yes, the Engineer i am thrives on this stuff, yet i remain guided by my metaphysical training that our intent/will and higher dimensional energetics/will (higher self) override all technological fru-fru here.

Oh yes, another name of note I beleive in is Danae Harding, last known to be of Colorado residence, Ancient Tek.

Faery Blessings my dear friends :-)
Surely, magickal faery dust must be made of ORMUS/ORMES :-)

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