2017-01-21.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[p Fairy]

As we squint our eyes to focus upon the energetic causes of the larger scale disturbance playing out in the collective, we see that, [no] surprise, [no] surprise, (once again) humanity is being played by the world controllers...
Go back to s{h,l}eep. Baaah. Baaah. Baaah.

My only actual remaining responsibility is to get all my crystal faeries family ascended out of here, and to do so by leading by example, so it's time to return focus to my own ascension, which involves complete detachment from all worldly (dualistic) realities, and even mentioning them will not assist most, who still won't use the information properly, (to create a positive alternative), rather than using it to fuel their games of victimhood.

I've rewritten and rewritten today's blog entry, to keep it focussed upon the positive, and have come to the conclusion that, the place to find the positive is internally in my own soul.

Oh, i get it... I'm feeling my Uranian connections:

1: Uranus (Ari) Squ (Cap) Pluto - app 3:08' - power: 55.15
Energy representing individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms is in conflict with energies of destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world. Adaptation is required by both sides.
2: Uranus (Ari) Opp (Lib) Jupiter - sep 1:58' - power: 43.09
Energies of individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms oppose and create tension with energies of enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature. Balance is needed.

Faery blessings -- celeste