2017-01-08.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[love faery]

2017-01-08 09:28 HST Venus (Pisces) Opposite [Virgo] North Node
Energy representing creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs opposes and creates tension with energies of karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth. Balance is needed.

So far, as the day begins to move, we can summarize the previous 24 hours as evidencing energetics of the release of all that is not honoring of, or based upon, one's true essence. In some cases this is unmistakable evidence presented by others of their utter disrespect, (e.g. those who insist upon calling me by other names), clearly evidencing it is time for them to depart one's life. In other cases it is about relationship between self and world, or between self and internalized family expectations, or even internal expectations of self, versus simply expressing one's own essence. By the law of attraction this must at least be prominent in my own reality, yet based on a number of these being our customers seeking help with their issues, it is evidently an issue being raised globally. Indeed it is time to launch a new time-line parallel-reality of total appropriateness for the thriving of one's true essence.

Blessings of unconditional love from the crystal faeries.
Faery blessings -- celeste