2016-12-18.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000

[beleive in your dreams]

"It's already manifest", (in an alternate time-line), or we couldn't even imagine it, for imagination is quite simply our multidimensional self "tuning-into" alternate time-lines. If the imagined "reality" feels "warm and fuzzy" that is a sign of its alignment with our essence, of the appropriateness of further attention with intention to hold inside the frequencies of such reality, to attract that time-line via sympathetic resonance.
We intend everyone receive their wishes manifest this winter solstice.
Faery blessings -- celeste

This evening i got to be my own "tooth fairy", as pulling on a fragment of a fractured molar finally released the one remaining portion which protruded above the gum, completing a multi-year process of organic self-dent-artistry removing from my mouth what a dentist i had previously trusted had silently installed, a fluoride-emitting ultra-violet-cured epoxy filling. For those unaware, fluoride promotes calcification (hardening, rigidification) of one's pineal gland, the last thing appropriate for a clairvoyant healer.