2015-02-02.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:06 -1000

i continue my MercuryRx review of my extant reality in preparation for my Imbolc planting of new reality seeds. From the pre-2012-12-21 hoopla where it was clear to me there was much illusion around "ascension", to tomril's antidote of providing from the 9th Density angelics level the template of the Angelic crystal faeries 4D-8D Ascension Portal, while i was still facilitating clairvoyance trainings in virtual worlds, resulting in a test run in virtual world of connecting an ascension portal to a group 2013-05-18 Faes of Love, leading to the 2013-06-04 Invocation of 8D angelic crystal faeries ascension portal for Kaua'i and my resulting rebirthing in preparation to permanent 2013-06-23 4D anchoring of 8D angelic crystal faeries ascension portal on Kaua'i including moving out of my virtual world role to anchor my crystal faeries reality on Kaua'i, in time to declare 2013-07-03 Kaua'i is now a Sovereign Nation as we accept kuleana to maintain this energetic blessing for the planetary prototype of ascension, 2013-07-04 full activation of crystal faeries 8D through 4D-Kaua'i Independence Day resulting in my making my own quantum leap in the energetic work i share with the world 2013-07-06 New Creations and 2013-07-27 Rebirthing my physical expression of my reality. After that integrated for a while, another quantum leap into the role of 2013-09-14 High Priestess led to 2013-09-17 Changes which only a week later, led to the beginnings of my channelling my spiritual family, the crystal faeries, and my commitment to do so every day since.

Once the Kaua'i ascension portal was stabilized, and grew into a stable network of ascension portals, my focus of attention was brought to developing community in Kilauea, which has progressed nicely except for my own move there being still incomplete, thus obviously, my own abode in Kilauea being a seed awaiting fruition.

OK, having grokked the origins, journey, and destination, i notice that i feel very complete with my old time-line, in fact quite bored with it, very neutral about present reality, and I'd be struggling with ego-based navel contemplation about what i need to be or do differently to accomplish my time-line jump to my new abode, if i hadn't been for months now receiving clear guidance to be patient and be receptive rather than "trying to do". Yep, I'm still working on that ole lesson of patience :-)