2014-08-29.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:06 -1000

As i continue to integrate transcendence not only consciously but also with bodily changes i find myself challenged to describe in words what is merely felt. i have in recent years spontaneously experienced a complete realignment and rebuilding of damaged body structures. Through it all i have had faith in everything being frequency / energy, and working as an energy healer, i know "miracles" are not only possible, but regularly witness them. Another thing i know and beleive in depth is that healing comes from treating cause, not merely, as the medical profession does, by treating symptoms. Without delving into the original issues that created for me the symptom of experiencing a broken radius, ulna, and femur in a collision between my body on a motorcycle, and a car which ran a stopsign in front of me, i was left with the cause of physical trauma creating the symptom of body misalignment. A few years back my misaligned spine and pelvis began to realign spontaneously, as a symptom of my overall energetic healing cause. For a few months i was in pain, and could not really stand fully erect due to that pain, before the pelvic realignment completed, mind you this with no chiropracty, just done energetically as my body aligned to my perfect healthy energy body. This pushed the misalignment of my leg with the broken/mended femur down into the knee, as now the axis of bending of the knee with the correctly aligned pelvis was wrong, and so i began to experience pain in the misaligned knee joint. So, what did i do? i replaced my automobile with an electrically assisted bicycle, and got ever more exercise, until in the recent half year that burned out electrically, and i began walking much more. Recently I've been noticing only occasionally the very faintest of twinges of pain in that knee, signifying that it has indeed nearly completed rebuilding in correct alignment. My rememberance and awareness of this was triggered by yesterday's comment by a stranger about how fit i looked. Yes, actually more fit than when i was much younger, weighed more, and exercised less. i remind us all that none of us is older than 8 years physically, as even the slowest reproducing cells in our body last no longer than 8 years, versus e.g. the cells lining the stomach which survive less than 24 hours on a regular eating schedule. As we invoke our higher density perfect energy templates (cause), our bodies begin to rebuild upon them, rather than as medical science describes those who are not ascending, as suffering aging because with each new generation of cells the DNA telomeres shorten until you are left only with damaged DNA and "aging". The 8D Angelic crystal faeries Ascension Portals i cocreated and deliver to people, bring us our perfect aetheric body templates, if necessary reaching back into the akashic records to find undamaged versions, and initiate the body's energetic re-youthing, as i embrace energetic healing as a way of life.
"Let food be your medicine." -- Hippocrates
Remember that our food is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual... so eat organic in-season fresh uncooked or juiced locally-grown and well-loved vibrations E=MC2.